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Everything posted by JCDinPGH

  1. If it helps any, my 74551 has a magnetic sensor and two other wires currently with one connected to COM and the other to connected to N/O. The garage door opener is a Craftsman 41A-5021. It is pretty old, like 15 years or more. I have tried all kinds of combinations for the Garage door sensor in the ISY994I (latching, momentary:a,momentary:B and mometary:C but no matter what I try, only ON commands seem to do anything and toggle the garage door between OPEN and CLOSE. OFF does nothing.
  2. I apologize for digging up an old topic but I am having the exact issue described by the OP where ON just toggles my garage door open or closed. OFF does nothing. The sensor does correctly know if the door is open or closed though. I have read through https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Garage_Door_Kit and frankly it left me even more confused. Thaqt article talks about a keypadlinc which I am not using and do not have. I would like to have my ISY994 have a "Garage door open" and a "garage door close" commands so I can integrate them into Alexa. But since ON can do either OPEN or CLOSE depending on the current status, I'm confused how to set this up. I did see discussion about setting up a scene in the above link but found it somewhat confusing since it appeared to have options which don't seem to be available on mine. My garage controller is the 74551 which has a magnetic sensor which I purchased in 04/2017 if that matters. Can someone walk me through setting up scenes for garage door open and garage door close since the ON command just toggles between open and close?
  3. Thanks. No idea how I managed to miss that.
  4. TOPIC should say :Google Integration WITHOUT Google hardware? I know this is an odd question but let me explain. I currently have a houseful of Insteon modules all integrated into my Amazon Alexa. There are a few other things integrated like the thermostat. Because I have my google assistant always listening even when the screen is locked, is there a way to have it integrated into my Isy994 without actually buying google hardware like a mini? Alexa is great in the house but this would give me hands free remote access also from my phone and therefore pretty much from anywhere. In other words, I'd like to be able to say "ok google, turn off all the lights" as I drive down the driveway in case I forgot before leaving the house. I'm just trying to avoid having to purchase more hardware or software for that matter.
  5. I second this. It would be great to control/monitor my Sensi thermostat from my ISY. Unfortunately the echo integration is very minimal. One thing they left out what the ability to query the thermostat from the echo, like "Alexa, ask thermostat what is the current temperature?"
  6. If I went the variable route, wouldn't I have to have a program executing over and over while checking the state of the variable and then performing actions based on the state of the variable?
  7. Definitely learning a lot from all of you. Keep it coming! I do have one more question. If I follow the instructions from post #4 but choose a program to start at IF instead of just a scene, will the THEN and ELSE also execute when triggered or just the IF? I am trying to create an entry that executes in Locative as I'm approaching my home, but only if if is actually dark out, otherwise it does nothing.
  8. Thanks for all of your help. For some reason, I was missing the IFTTT part and thought this could be done outside of using IFTTT.
  9. I'm looking to execute a Scene via the portal as I approach my home. For example I have a scene called "All Lights" that contains several key devices like living room and dining room and I would like a direct url pointing to "All Lights on".
  10. I'm looking for examples (full url edited for security of course) on how to add a link into Locative so I can have Locative turn on/off lights based on my location. I can get the url for different scenes/devices from the portal, but the ON and OFF buttons don't seem to have a direct url or else I am doing something wrong. I am just looking for some examples, or even better detailed instructions on how to add a direct link into Locative to run a program, like "All Lights ON".
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