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  1. MrBill's post in Adding node servers - Polisy or Polyglot? was marked as the answer   
    Polyglot3 is the future.  At the moment both Polyglot 2 and 3 are available for use on Polisy.  Installing new tho, you should use Polyglot 3.
    https://<IP.ADDR.OF.POLISY> will land you in the Polyglot 2 interface, perhaps what you are referring to generically as "polisy".
    https://<IP.ADDR.OF.POLISY>:3000 will land you in Polyglot 3 interface.
    of course in either of those examples <IP.ADDR.OF.POLISY> is a place holder, you need the actual IP address of your polisy on your local network, you can't literally type <IP.ADDR.OF.POLISY>  (it might be obvious to some, but I didn't use to include this disclaimer and someone said "It doesn't work").
  2. MrBill's post in Polisy version? was marked as the answer   
    Login via SSH and type "uname -a" then email the results to support@universal-devices.com and await explicit instructions.  You most likely need to run those commands in the wiki, but note that "Polisy OS versions below 13" refers to the FreeBSD version as supplied by uname -a, not "My polisy is running 2.2.13. "
    It's confusing, therefor I suggest contacting support for the exact instructions needed for your case.
  3. MrBill's post in No time parameter available in ISY program. was marked as the answer   
    Or if it’s the 3 dots… there’s exactly one font size, I believe 14, that causes that, change the font size.
  4. MrBill's post in Why is my ISY trying to talk to my Polisy was marked as the answer   
    Are you running any node servers on Polisy?  The ISY's credentials should be stored in the PG2 and PG3 menu, so that Polisy can log into the ISY as a user.  
    In PG2, Settings > Polyglot settings.  Should have the stored credentials of the ISY.
    In PG3, it's in the "ISY's" menu, edit current ISY,  and the store the cedentials to the ISY there.
  5. MrBill's post in Simple Christmas tree light issue was marked as the answer   
    This should do what you want to do....
    Schedule tree - [ID 00C8][Parent 00EF]
           From 7:00:00 PM
          to  03:00:00 AM (next day)
         Enable Program Alternate Christmas Tree
         $s.Christmas = 1
         Disable Program Alternate Christmas Tree
         $s.Christmas = -1
         Set 'Kasa Controller / Color Christmas tree lights' Off
         Set 'Kasa Controller / White Christmas tree lights' Off
    Alternate Christmas Tree - [ID 00C2][Parent 00EF]
            $s.Christmas is 1
            Set 'Kasa Controller / White Christmas tree lights' On
            Set 'Kasa Controller / Color Christmas tree lights' Off
            Wait 15 Min
            $s.Christmas = 0

            Set 'Kasa Controller / Color Christmas tree lights' On
            Set 'Kasa Controller / White Christmas tree lights' Off
            Wait 15 Min
            $s.Christmas = 1
    Disclaimer:  I didn't test it, If you have problems I'll set it up here and see where it goes wrong.
  6. MrBill's post in Firmware upgrade question was marked as the answer   
    As @lilyoyo1 mentions you need to know the version of z-wave board you have.   IF you have a z-wave menu at the top of the admin console: use it to check the z-wave version.
    If 4.55.00 you need 5.0.16C  (you mentioned 5.01.16 without a letter, which is possible, there's also an A and possibly a B, but the current release for 994's with a z-wave version of 4.55.00 is 5.0.16C.
    If there is NOT a z-wave menu, or the z-wave version is 6.81.00 proceed directly to 5.3.4
    In either case the upgrade is simple and will only take you a few minutes, no major changes that require manual intervention from your current position.
    When you get back in after the upgrade make sure to check Help > About and make certain that firmware and UI versions match EXACTLY.
  7. MrBill's post in Admin console never appears was marked as the answer   
    you may have a minimized or one pixel sized admin console.  Try these instructions to delete the .state files.
  8. MrBill's post in Need help updating to current PG3 version was marked as the answer   
    @Ross My guess is tthat your IoP is too old to show the button you need.

    But there's a screenshot guide in case it's there and you missed it.   if you don't have that section on the config tab the best thing to do is work with support.
  9. MrBill's post in ISY 994.i V 4.9.0 and failing SD-Card was marked as the answer   
    No.  In the admin console, Help > Manually upgrade ISY     
    There you can load any version of firmware you want, to upgrade, downgrade etc.   After an upgrade/downgrade always make certain via Help > About that the firmware and UI version match exactly.  
    The relevant firmware versions can be found here:  https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/339-current-release-announcements/
    Download the correct firmware file which will be a .zip and DON'T unzip it.  Just turn right around and upload the firmware file to the ISY via Help > Manually Upgrade ISY
    NOTE: for each release there are two versions of the firmware file.  One if you have an Insteon PLM and the other if you don't.  You have an Insteon PLM and I believe (without looking) that is always the first of the two choices in each post.
  10. MrBill's post in Backup ISY 994i ZW+ was marked as the answer   
    Depending how old "several years back" is you need to determine if the z-wave is 300 series or 500 series.  Look at the back of the  ISY next to Port A.  Is there a circle there?  If there is shine the flashlight from your phone on it... is that curcle a Blue LED?  if yes, that's 300 series.  A 300 series z-wave board is only compatible with firmaware up to and including 5.0.16C.   Since you're not using z-wave you could also remove the board (take out 4 case screws, one is under a label, slide the case apart and unplug the board with the blue LED next to port A, close it up and put the screws back).
    I'm not familiar if anyone has restored a 4.9 backup in 5.xx, if you did that you should upgrade the firmware to the lastest first, then try to restore the backup.   However the procedure I've seen mentioned here in the forums is to downgrade the firmware on the new ISY to 4.9, restore your backup, Backup again for good measure then upgrade to the latest and greatest. 
    Upgrading to 5 isn't hard... and there's really only a couple things to lookout for.  Programs that use adjust scene won't upgrade correctly and programs that are intentionally disabled will become enabled again. 
    If you load 4.9 firmware and restore the 4.9 backup you can also make a text copy of your programs.  Right click the "My Programs" folder in the program tree, pick copy folder to clipboard (at the bottom of the list), then paste the clipboard into a notepad window, and Save As.   This give you a reference to what your program looked like before upgrading.
    After opening Version 5's admin consoles do three things first....  Open Help > About and ensure that the Firmware and UI versions match exactly.  If they don't fix that before going forward.  Second, Go to the Programs tab > Summary subtab... look for the color yellow... if you find any that program needs manual help, it didn't upgrade correctly.   third, if you had any purposely disabled programs, disable them again.
  11. MrBill's post in ISY-994 5.3.3 documentation needed was marked as the answer   
    the "Play" button changes the context of the drop-down box.  Setting to a variables value won't actually work for scene type "Insteon", because the ISY is not a middle man in controlling devices.  There is a discussion here, on the various scene types.
    As previously mention copy scene no longer exists, and yes it's a pain point.  Fortunately once a scene is configured you rarely need to change it.
    And before you get stuck or complain... the GUI has a function that is NOT intuitive.  When updating a device's properties, change the dropdown value, THEN push the button on the LEFT of the dropdown to write the change to the device:

    "On", "Beep", "On Level", "Ramp Rate", "Backlight" are actually the Set button for the dropdown to it's right.  Set the value, then press the button on the left.
  12. MrBill's post in Custom Messages not being sent but Defaults Messages Work Fine... was marked as the answer   
    Are you using the default mail server? or do you have server details filled out?   If you have server details filled out, does the From box have  name:emailuser@example.com specifically that is two fields in one.... name, a colon, and an email address.
    are you filling out FROM in the custom content?  if so, leave that field blank
  13. MrBill's post in Default email not working? was marked as the answer   
    @johnmsch there is a default server mail fix between 5.3.0 and 5.3.4 that's the first place to start.  report back after that.  it's an easy upgrade, nothing special to do, back up, load the new firmware and wait for the reboot.
  14. MrBill's post in network resource module in polisy? was marked as the answer   
  15. MrBill's post in Suggestions for an easy-to-implement data logger was marked as the answer   
    NodeLinc has a datalogger.  you'll need a pi to run it tho.
    Home Assistant with the Universal-Devices integration does some logging automatically, I haven't yet figured out how hang onto it, like temperatures that I want to record long term.  (haven't spent much time on it yet, but do have it on a list of things to learn/figure out.)
  16. MrBill's post in Using programs with google assistant routines was marked as the answer   
    From the wiki documentation for Google Home:
    For Programs:
    Turn On: “Ok Google, turn on the kitchen light” - runs Then Turn Off: “Ok Google, turn off the kitchen light” - runs Else However, if you wish to test a condition just link to another program.
    For example make the Then body that google home Runs simply be a single line:
    AAAADelete - [ID 0135][Parent 0001]
       - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
            Run Program 'BarnOHD' (If)
       - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
    You'll actually need to create the second program first, so that it can be included in the Then. 
    Also the second program can be disabled, so that it won't run from any condition in it's IF statement.  Disabled programs still run when run by another program.
  17. MrBill's post in Notification Help was marked as the answer   
    It looks like the node name changed.   ${sys.node.n004_temperature.ST} replace the RED portion with the white text from your screenshot n004_78633 (if I'm correctly reading the screenshot)
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