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  1. Easy enough. Thanks Eric!
  2. In EricK's example of "all of the lights turn off" scene, is there a way I could push a button but then wait 10 minutes before I trigger the scene to give me time to get to the bedroom before everything turns off?
  3. I just did a restore device on one of them and it seemed to clear it up. I'm doing a "Restore Devices" now to see if it fixes the rest.
  4. Yes, the GUI is correctly showing the State when manually actuating.
  5. I did a restore modem and got my programs back but am still not access any of my devices. PLM is v63/Connected
  6. All of my programs have disappeared and I can't access any of my devices. I do a "Restore ISY" from a few different backups but they still are not there. Any Ideas?
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