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  1. Update. Just received another reply from Michel on my service ticket that their service is back and to try using the defaults again. It worked!
  2. I also got that response from Michel on my service ticket, but was unsuccessful in implementing his suggestion of directly using gmail as my server. I have just reported that back in a reply on my service ticket and am awaiting a response. Other than my email issue, my eISYs otherwise appear to be functioning correctly after the firmware upgrade.
  3. I too have tried the power off for several minutes, cold boot approach with no success (on both of my eISY units).
  4. I am having this problem as well, and it is happening on both of the eISY units I have (in different locations, different ISPs). Problem first started yesterday morning (things worked fine up till then). I had upgraded the firmware on both units (5.8.0 --> 5.8.3) on the day before the problem started, and was still receiving email notifications on that day after the upgrade. No other changes made on either unit. I am configured to send to a gmail server, using the default settings checked. For one of the eISYs, I got a bunch of delayed notifications late last night, then nothing since then. Nothing at all from the other eISY. Are others still having these issues -- any ideas?
  5. Hope I've posted this question in the correct place. I've just transitioned from i944 to eISY and successfully added the Hue, Bond, Wemo and Blue Iris node servers. I still have some wifi-connected devices -- GE Cync and Globe Electric LED bulbs -- that I'd also like to control through the eISY. Anyone know of node servers for these, or if they might be under development?
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