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  1. I see the Insteon store sells the 2457D2. I assume it also would serve as a range extender (Brian referenced the 2447D2) IndyMIke--It's certainly possible there was some electrical event/surge/lightening. But hard to know if that's the root of the problem. Given that 2 range extenders are out, may I"ll just try added 2 new lamplincs. I have to admit, I am losing steam here. I did get a lot of satisfaction programming this over the years, but the current state of things is definitely dampening my enthusiasm.... I'll do some more testing of the plm and phases, see if I can identify if there's one phase is giving more trouble than the other-- will be about a week before I'll have some time to dig into that... Thanks again everyone for helping....
  2. Found another access point that seems dead (I had one on each floor). So, I presume the problem is related to no longer having the multiple functional range extenders bridging the two phases. Is Insteon no longer offering range extenders? Any options? Worth purchasing a few lamplinc devices to see if that helps?
  3. Cool. I tried the range extender plugged in the garage. Approximately half of the devices flashed red (in the kitchen and garage), and half flashed green. I presume that's not ideal... The fan is actually in an upstairs bathroom. I have it in a scene to shut off after 20 minutes, so that one is key to have reliable communication. BTW, that was the full log for the garage device restore. It just stopped, without any popup error. I tried it twice, same thing.
  4. Do I need at least 2 range extenders to do this 4-tap test? I have an access point #2443 (V2.6) that looks like is dead--no LED light comes on when I press the set button. I entered the address in LInk Managemet:New Insteon Device to see if if would be recognized, and it wasn't found. I also have a range extender (2992-222 R3.7 3515) that was in the basement and appears to be working (LED light is on, though I don't see it in the device list...).. I don't have any lamplinc devices. I moved the range extender to an outlet near a device that I was still not able to restore (a bathroom fan coupled to a dual-band on/off switch)--and now it restored (log file attached). Odd as there are many dual band band dimmers nearby, so I would have thought the range extender would not be needed. I then moved the range extender into the garage and tried to restore the garage light again--this didn't work (log file for this also attached). ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Sat 2023.08.12 08.44.13 AM.txt ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Sat 2023.08.12 08.49.25 AM.txt
  5. So, better (I restored a few and was encouraged), but still can't restore several devices. I enabled the garage light, tried to restore. Looks like an error. I then tried to write updates to device (it didn't have explanation point after the restore, it had the green ioii). Didn't work. I attached that log file. I'll delete it and factory reset that switch and see if that helps. ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Fri 2023.08.11 04.35.51 PM.txt
  6. Thanks so much for the effort here. I only have a number of GE SUrgeProg (THQLSURGE) installed in my electrical panels and sub panels. This has been in place for a year prior to the communication errors. The advanced link setting is on automatic. I don't have any other signal absorbers (that I know of). And I don't know anything about phase coupling to answer that question. Really no other changes. I do have encouraging news: I moved the PLM to a different outlet that was near enough not to have to replace the cat5 cables with longer ones (when I tried that before, the ISY started in safe mode so I had given up on that). This time, I was able to link the dimmer switch! I attached the log file. But hopefully, simply moving the outlet will solve it all--I''ll let you know! It is so odd that I did not change anything (except replace the old PLM) and so a bit perplexing why I would have suddenly gotten interference on the original outlet. Really nothing new was added to that outlet. I'll start adding the list of disabled devices--hopefully, smooth sailing from here!! ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Fri 2023.08.11 04.06.51 PM.txt
  7. I factory reset a dual band dimmer switch and tried to link. Got an error (failed to link--reason 9). The log file is attached. ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2023.08.10 12.09.02 PM.txt
  8. Thanks IndyMIke. The new PLM was just purchased from Insteon. Revision 2.6 1123 I disabled everything with pending writes and errors. Activated one device (keypadSliderMain) and tried to restore. Got a connection error. The log file (event viewer 3) is attached. Mr Bill-- I would start over if I was confident that it would work. Not clear where all these communication errors are suddenly coming from and if they would resolve by starting from scratch. Very frustrating. ISY-Events-Log.v5.3.4__Thu 2023.08.10 11.51.03 AM.txt
  9. I don’t suppose changing to eisy would make my current mess any easier to fix (aside from unlocking the independent restore)? I would guess it will Get me additional headaches. But if it’s advisable to do at this point…. otherwise, I’ll look Into firmware upgrade and see if it’s available….
  10. I do't see that icon on the admin ribbon
  11. Have the morning and an empty house. I tried moving the PLM to a different outlet (longer new cat5 patch cable). Did the power up sequence correctly. Got the safe mode notice. Tried the power up sequence again, same safe mode. I returned it to the original outlet and cable and at least the PLM was found. Tried to restore the first device in the list that had the green IOII (keypad kitchen). During that process, got the same communication error messages for many of the other devices. At the end of the process, that device has a red explanation point icon. When you say, start at the top, do you mean actually start with the first device in the ISY list even if it is functional? I tried to re-link a dual band dimmer that has communication problems. I had deleted that device from the system. I put switch in linking mode, it found the node address, and after selecting Finish, it returned a New Device Error: Cannot determine device link table. Then another 10 minutes waiting for the writing process to complete. If the problem is that it still has a competing address for the old PLM, is there some other way to remove that? I’m not clear on what restoring a backup does not restore after deleting a PLM. Does the backup also contain the original (corrupted, competing) addresses for the PLM? At this point, is there any reason to try factory restore of the PLM? I feel like I don't have a systematic approach to troubleshooting this.... If I was sure it would work, starting over seems easier than this process….
  12. Thanks everyone for input/info/help. i have followed the PLM replacement instructions. I do have a few older switches in the system. And I have tried to *patiently* restore individual devices in the admin console with only rare success. I will try again from the beginning. Will wait until I have 1/2 day with no one else home to reduce chance of someone changing a switch status. I will disconnect ubiquiti hard drive during the process. a few more questions: 1. I can’t imagine how, but could there be any issue with MobiLincX somehow interfering with proper new addressing of PLM? 2. Should I first delete PLM from ISY and factory reset PLM? 3. does it make any difference if I work in admin console in LAN vs Cloud? 4. Should I continue to have the event viewer writing files, or change that setting (currently still set at level 3)?
  13. Thanks IndyMike. I’m not sure how I got to this place either! Hoping to get out of this place! Techman—I followed all the steps. But I never deleted the old PLM —I saw conflicting info about whether that step is required. Q: Since some devices are returning the address of the old PLM, would deleting that help (and then factory reset PLM and restore PLM and devices again)? And yes, set up hasn’t changed (and same PLM model). Direct into outlet, etc. the only thing I recently added was a ubiquiti cloud key hard drive (different outlet, but same equipment closet and plugged into same router as the PLM). I’ll try moving that to a different location—perhaps this is introducing some noise?
  14. Thanks. I saw this. Short of adding filters, all is as it is supposed to be. What is perplexing is that prior to changing the PLM, I did not have any of these issues. Are these new PLMs more sensitive? Not sure why the new PLM would have trouble with interference when the prior one did not.
  15. Also noticed many of my programs were not running. When I looked at them, they all said "not saved". I went into one of them and selected Save and they all now look like they're saved. Strange behavior.... Still can't link with several devices. I may try a factory rest of the PLM and try again. But not optimistic... Does insteon provide any technical support for this as I just purchased the PLM? Anyone else understand how to read the event logs?
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