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Everything posted by edgar

  1. Any idea what causes the "Get Node Info data" to show in the log; some times is one line, other is over 20? Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I have to get more familiar with the pulldown menu. So far no problem with the dimmed values.
  3. Thanks to Paul & larryllix for your input. The problem was the Great Rm.Table Lamp Dim program. I added the Else line last week (6%), believing that line would run only @ 10:31 PM and not anytime a Great Rm.Table Lamp On was issued. Thanks again. Edgar
  4. Yes, there other programs associated with that lamp, but none that should run every-time that when that scene is "called"; specially sending the 6% level command to that lamp. I will take a break then check the programs again to see if I'm missing something. Thanks for your input.
  5. I tried your suggestion a couple of times with no luck. I believe the problem is related to the two "On" commands received after the module reaches 98%, per the scene settings. Not sure where the On commands are coming from.
  6. I have a scene (Movie Done) in which one of the plug-in dimmers (Insteon) is not responding to the scene. Instead of ramping up to 98%, it changes to 6%. Most of the time I use voice commands to control the scene. The program log shows the lamp @ 98%, then immediately two commands (program?) & the light level changes to 6%. Don’t have any idea where the commands with a value? of 15 are coming from. Any ideas? Movie Mini Remote - [ID 006B][Parent 0001] If Control '.Fam Rm Rem - E (Movie Time)' is switched On And Control '.Fam Rm Rem - E (Movie Time)' is not switched Off Then Wait 4 seconds Set Scene 'Movie Time' On Wait 4 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' 46% Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 30% Else Wait 3 seconds Set Scene 'Movie Done' On Wait 6 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' Off Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 100% Set 'China Closet Lamp' Off Wait 1 hour 23 minutes and 36 seconds (Random) Set 'Corner Cabinet Lamp LampLinc' Off Set 'Kitchen Island ToggleLink Dim' Fade Down Log File after running Movie Done scene.
  7. edgar

    Similar program?

    Solution provided by stusviews worked perfect. Thanks a lot. Also thanks to oberkc for the explanation. Sometimes I tend to forget that because you can choose the same devices in Control and Status, does not mean that the results from each command are the same.
  8. edgar

    Similar program?

    I have the following programs that I use when to watch TV, and control them with a mini remote. To start watching TV I use Movie On Movie On - [iD 0029][Parent 0057][Not Enabled] If Control '.Fam Rm Rem - E (Movie Time)' is switched On Then Wait 40 seconds Set 'Misc Lamps' Off Wait 4 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' 38% Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 30% Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') When finish watching TV I use "Movie Off": Mini remote E off. Movie Off - [iD 0014][Parent 0057][Not Enabled] If Status '.Fam Rm Rem - E (Movie Time)' is Off Then Wait 3 seconds Set Scene 'Movie Done' On Wait 6 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' Off Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 100% Set 'Misc Lamps' Off Wait 1 hour 23 minutes and 36 seconds (Random) Set 'Corner Cabinet Lamp LampLinc' Off Set 'Kitchen Island ToggleLink Dim' Fade Down Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') They work as expected, but I can't get the same results when I tried to combine them into "one program" (Movie). Movie - [iD 0058][Parent 0057] If Control '.Fam Rm Rem - E (Movie Time)' is switched On Then Wait 40 seconds Set 'Misc Lamps' Off Wait 4 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' 38% Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 30% Else Wait 3 seconds Set Scene 'Movie Done' On Wait 6 minutes Set 'ZW 003 TV back light' Off Set 'ZW 005 Kitchen Cabinet Light' 100% Set 'Misc Lamps' Off Wait 1 hour 23 minutes and 36 seconds (Random) Set 'Corner Cabinet Lamp LampLinc' Off Set 'Kitchen Island ToggleLink Dim' Fade Down Is the program "Movie" the same as "Movie On" and "Movie Off" combined? I thought when I hit button E on mini remote would execute "Then", and when I hit it again (Off), would execute "Else" That is the way it operates whit the individual programs. What am I missing? Thanks for any input. PS:I forgot to mention that button E also controls a Scene when is "turned On" (Movie Time).
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