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Everything posted by Greg

  1. I don't know how long this post will end up being but with all the struggles I went through to get to the point I am not at, I figured others could learn from my mistakes. I tried following the directions in https://developer.isy.io/blog/eisy-way For setting up my NVMe. First off my eisy box did not have the screw on top of the post to mount the card in the box...something I still need to fully address. Other than that the installation of the card itself went off without a hitch. Next following the above referenced instructions I worked on creating the partion on the NVMe. I should have read the instruction more carefully as I went though step 1 and then tried to proceed onto step 2. With step 1 being to use the full NVMe and Step 2 to partition it out. Lesson here: You only need to do EITHER Step 1 or Step 2 trying to do both with lead to hours of confusion. Now onto the more important lesson: I read through several threads here and on other forums and sites about the error of not being able to get the correct repository when executing the script to install HA. pkg: No packages available to install matching 'vm-bhyve' have been found in the repositories pkg: No packages available to install matching 'edk2-bhyve' have been found in the repositories pkg: No packages available to install matching 'wget' have been found in the repositories pkg: No packages available to install matching 'qemu-tools' have been found in the repositorie This took me several hours to solve and I tried all the solutions listed in the different threads about this, none of them worked for me. What finally solved it was finding this thread: https://developer.isy.io/docs/getstarted/dev_env In it I saw some references to something I had seen in the installing the NVMe thread about being in the Staging vs. the Production repository. Following those instructions I had to go into the Staging repo and then back into the eisy admin console and hit the Upgrade packages button, allow that to run to reboot then go back in and change it back to the Production repo. I think it said to do most of that in the first link but it was not clear to me about having to go into the admin console to upgrade the packages there and not just from the command line interface. Anyway I hope this helps someone in the future. It appears the script completed successfully so I am off to they and see if this thing actually runs now.....one more thing....you need to cd to the storage directory before using most of the commands after you get the NVMe partitioned. $ cd \storage
  2. Finally got this bit working. For those that follow me, here are the 3 pieces of code you will need to get this all going: First edit your auth.cfg file to contain the bits needed for access to the data. Watch you upper and lower case (caused me hours of trouble tracking. The yyyyyyy below after the IP address is because I use a custom port for access to my ISY device. [ISY] type = ISY address = 192.xxx.x.xxx:yyyyyy user = uuuuuuuu password = ********* [Weatherbit] type = WeatherProvider apikey = **************************** Next you need a file to define you location and refresh time. In the example below I used Kevin's location as it is close enough to mine. I just renamed it from PDX to Vancouver. I will probably refine to location now that I have the basic code working. Not the SINGLE [] surrounding the Weatherbit above and the Vancouver below. [Vancouver] type = Weatherbit refresh = 60 location = '45.586497654,-122.591830966' Finally I again copied one of Kevin's files and just modified it slightly to match me information. Again the single []. The location parameter needs to match the single [] in the above file. [TimeTemp] type= TimeTemp label = 'Vancouver', location = Vancouver TimeFormat = "%-l:%M:%S%P","%a %b %-d" ConditionFields = Sky,Temp ConditionFormat = "{d[0]} {d[1]:.0f}" ForecastDays = 2 ForecastFields = Day,Sky,High,Low ForecastFormat = "{d[0]} {d[1]}" ClockSize = 50 LocationSize = 35 CondSize = 30, 20 FcstSize = 25, CmdKeyCol = blue BackgroundColor = midnightblue Hope this helps someone in the future. Thank you Kevin for all your help todate. Greg
  3. Hey Kevin, Me again. Made progress today. Found or at least corrected the error I was getting on the Lamp Link module. Now I am trying to get the Weather information flowing. I signed up for the free account at Weatherbit. Got a username, password and apikey. Looking through the documentation I can't seem for figure out how it all works. So far I have tried creating a .cfg file and putting all the information in there...no go. Then I put the a section into the auth.cfg file with weatherbit, type=weatherproider, username=xxxxxx, password=xxxxxx, apikey=12345bfxxxx. No matter what I seem to do in the log, I can see it setting the lat and log correctly, then it goes down and does all the ISY stuff. When everything else is done in the initialization it tries to actually retrieve the data from weather bit and I get a: 403 forbidden error that lists the weatherbit url however it does not seem to list the apikey 03-19-21 22:17:55 Sev: 4 Weatherbit failed to get weather for Vancouver last Exc: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://api.weatherbit.io/v2.0/current/?key=&lat=45.586497654&lon=-122.591830966&units=I 03-19-21 22:17:55 Sev: 4 2 weather fetch failures for: Vancouver No weather for 1616217475.200668 seconds Thanks for all your help! Greg
  4. Found the problem....I had copied one file to create the template for the other config files, I just had not changed the name in those files...ie I created 8 files 1.cfg, 2.cfg 3.cfg but inside they all had [1]. Still am having a problem with the lamp link module. If I can't figure it out I will give you another shout out. Greg
  5. Ok, I will look more closely for an error related to the screens. The errors that I have seen in the log have been related to some zwave devices that I am not currently using. I thought I had disabled them all in the ISY but I am still seeing one of them showing up in the log. The only screen on that I can think of is with a Lamp Link module that it is complaining about. Thanks again for the reply...at least I know that my fundamental logic is correct and it is more likely a fat finger error. Greg
  6. Hey Kevin, <edit> BTW Just North of you in Vancouver I got the Softconsole installed and working. Then I started trying to customize the cfg files, and what I was wanting to do was have a main screen that then branched off to the other screens. I found the GOTO with the ScreenName =. The first attempt at this seemed to work, so then I went back and tried creating all the screens I wanted. When I boot the console the error log says "GoTo Key target xxxxxx doesn't exist. Not sure exactly what that means. It says that all the files were merged. Any hint or a code example would be great. Below is just a snipet of what I have coded. config.txt include = Screen1.cfg UpStairs.cfg --------------- Screen1.cfg [Screen1] type = Keypad label = Main [[UpStairs]] type = GOTO ScreenName = UpStairs KeyColor = magenta label = Upstairs Controls ---------------- UpStairs.cfg [UpStairs] type = Keypad [[Dining Room Lights]] KeyColor = orchid label = Dining Room, Lights type = ONOFF [[Kitchen Lights] Thanks, Greg
  7. Greg

    Program Help

    Got it, thanks for the clarity
  8. Greg

    Program Help

    I know this has to be something stupid simple but I just don't see where I am going wrong. I have an Alexa routine that is set-up as a Device/light, so that I can say something more natural than set on or set off. My spoken command is "Open the truck door" this changes my $Retirement_Garage_Door (State) variable to 100. Which then triggers this: Truck_Door_Alexa_Open - [ID 0018][Parent 0027] If $Retirement_Garage_Door >= 50 And 'MyQ / Main Door' Door State is Closed Then Set 'MyQ / Main Door' Open Wait 1 minute $Retirement_Garage_Door = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The problem is the $Retirement_Garage_Door stays at the 100 and won't reset to 0. Hence, after I am done parking and am going into the house, punching the manual control on the wall, which changes the door state back to closed, as soon as that happens, it opens back up. PS. I takes me WAAAAY longer to park the truck than 1 minute, I have about 3" of clearance on each side with the mirrors folded in and maybe 2" in front and behind. Thanks for any suggestions I can do towards resolving this. Greg
  9. Glad it is working for you!
  10. This is how I worked around the Motion Sensor II using the default settings...Note I am using 5.0.11C, so you may need to change the program to get it to work in 4.6.2. This is how I run my two light switches and the motion sensor. If the sensor sees motion, it turns lights on...once the motion sensor runs it's 30 seconds of ON and switches to OFF the Else statement of program 1 runs and will hold for 5 min with the lights on, if the sensor is triggered again within that 5 min window, the program again becomes true until the sensors timer runs out and that triggers the else statement again and starts a new 5 min timer. The 2nd and 3 programs are for if someone manually turns the lights off, the lockout prevents the motion detectors ON state from making the first programs if statement true for a period of time longer than what the motion sensors own timeout of 30 seconds is set to. The limitation here of course is you cant put the lights and the sensor into a scene, so there is a small delay between detection and lights. First Program Kitchen Motion On - [iD 0014][Parent 000A] If 'Kitchen Motion Sensor-Sensor' Status is On And $Kitchen_Dinning_Room_Lockout is 0 Then Set 'Dining Room Lights' Fast On Set 'Kitchen Lights' Fast On Else Wait 5 minutes Set 'Dining Room Lights' Fast Off Set 'Kitchen Lights' Fast Off Second Program: Switch_Lockout - [iD 0011][Parent 000A] If 'Dining Room Lights' is switched Off Or 'Dining Room Lights' is switched Fast Off Or 'Kitchen Lights' is switched Fast Off Or 'Kitchen Lights' is switched Off Then $Kitchen_Dinning_Room_Lockout += 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Final Program: Lockout_Loop - [iD 0015][Parent 000A] If $Kitchen_Dinning_Room_Lockout > 0 Then Wait 35 seconds $Kitchen_Dinning_Room_Lockout = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. There is still a physical keypad, and I guess I can move it around, but unlike our old adt system in which the keypad was powered over the wire to the panel, the new keypad is ZWave to another box, and requires it to be powered through a wall wart. We don't have power where the old keypad was, or anywhere that could be reached by the wall wart power supply.
  12. I guess, I should have said that the DOT's "Bedtime" command is sent to the ISY, and the ISY does all the heavy lifting. "Bedtime" only sets a variable in the ISY that then triggers all the automation. When we had the keypad mounted on the wall just outside the bedroom door it was easy to remember to punch the button on the way into the bedroom. Now with having only the mobile app, I don't have that visual reminder and have to remember to get into the app each night after getting into bed. I suppose it will become routine at some point but right now it is frequently forgotten when tired and ready to sleep.
  13. I have looked on the forums for an answer to my question but most of the questions and answers surrounding ADT Pulse are about the ZWave intergration. All I want to do is have the ADT system arm itself from a program within ISY, as I seem to always forget to turn the alarm on since we got the Pulse system, as we have to arm the system from an app on our phones. I currently have a program that I trigger through Echo Dot that I call Bedtime that turns off the TV, lights, etc in the living room and turns on a set of lights on the stairs and in the hallway, it also turns on a light in the bedroom. After 10 minutes it turns off the Stairs and the hallway lights, giving me time enough to go downstairs and let the dogs out before going to bed. It would be nice if I could also have it arm the ADT Pulse system after that 10 minute mark, so I don't have to remember to turn it on myself. Thanks in advance for any ideas on how to do this. I guess I should mention I have ZWave and Network modules on my ISY and am running on Version 5 if there are features there that could be used. Thanks, Greg
  14. Thanks, just needed to know so I don't bang my head against a wall.
  15. Don't have any x10 devices, what these scenes do have is a Polyglot node running Hue lights. I am guessing this combination falls into that "Adjust Scene" not supported.
  16. I have several scene's that don't show up when I try to use them in a program --> action --> adjust scene. The only scene that shows up is my outside lights. What are the basic trouble shooting steps that I should try? Thanks, Greg
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