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yardman 49

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  1. Hello Michel: Thank you very much! From what I can see, my ISY26 firmware is version 2.7.5. Should the migration work properly with this version? If I understand you correctly, I should first migrate my setup to the ISY994i, and then do the PLM replacement to the new one which I received with the 994i. Is that correct? Also, what about my programs? Can they be imported into the 994i, or do I have to manually recreate them all? Again, my thanks to you.
  2. 100 total: 43 devices, 38 groups, 19 programs. This should be well within the capabilities of the ISY994i.
  3. It should be possible without starting from scratch. When I was first thinking about doing this, it was mid-2012. At that time I asked a similar question, and I thought that the reply that I received indicated that it was possible.
  4. Hello all: Although I was one of the early adopters of the ISY26, it's been a very long time since I done any mods to my system. It has performed well, but due to the need to replace some defective INSTEON switches, I knew that eventually I'd need to upgrade to the ISY994i/IR Pro to get the latest supported devices and features. It's nice to see that Michael K, Chris J, Mike B, marksanctuary, and the rest of the old crew are still here! Since SmartHome had a one-day sale on the ISY994i last week, I decided to jump at the chance to get a significant discount on the top-of-the-line model. Is there a link somewhere to a "fool-proof" procedure for migrating my system over from the ISY26 to the ISY994i/IR Pro? Thanks in advance for any help. Best wishes, Frank
  5. Hello Michel and everyone: Just a quick question: I'm planning on getting one of the new "outdoor approved" appliancelincs, 2456s3e. Is this supported by 2.7.7? Can I use it with earlier versions of the ISY-26 firmware if I add it as a "reqular" ApplianceLinc? Thanks!
  6. Hello Michel and everyone: Just a quick question: I'm planning on getting one of the new "outdoor approved" appliancelincs, 2456s3e. Is this supported by 2.7.7? Can I use it with earlier versions of the ISY-26 firmware if I add it as a "reqular" ApplianceLinc? Thanks!
  7. yardman 49

    Button Scenes

    Hello Michel: I am also a little worried about implementing a change like this. IF if were version specific that would be better. TBE: I use what I call "cleanup" programs for two reasons. I believe that one is what you are refering to in this post. Yes, it creates more work for the the ISY, and I wish that the capability resided in the Insteon KPLs themselves, as you mentioned. But there is a second type of "cleanup" that I use through ISY programming. This one is for situations where I have mutliple devices in a scene that are controlled through a single KPL button. In those cases I may have 4 lights being controlled by a single KPL button. What should happen if someone turns off just one of those lights in that scene locally. Do I want the KPL button controlling that scene to go off? For me, in some case, no. For these cases, I write a couple of ISY programs that monitor the status of the lighting devices for those scenes. When all of the devices have been turned off, only then do I want the status of the controlling KPL button to go "off". And if someone turns on just one of the buttons in that "scene" locally, I want the scene controller KPL button status to go "on". A good example of this is the button that I have in my kitchen that controls my basement lights. I can know if any of the basement lights has been turned on (or left on) by looking at the KPL button status in my kitchen, due to my ISY programs that monitor this. I'm curious if HomeLinc 2 can program this capability into Insteon devices apart from writing an event triggered program? Best wishes,
  8. Hello Chris: Thanks! I've never tried that! I'll give it try sometime. Best wishes,
  9. Greeting, Michel: Thanks much for your reply. If I could make a pitch for this functionality, it would be one of "user friendliness". For instance, just from not having to makes changes to my system for many months, I would be hard-pressed to tell you what programs may be using a particular device. So for myself (or someone that may buy my house in the future), it would be excellent to have the ability to somewhat "mindlessly". do a device Replace, with all the "jots and tittles" being taken care of, so to speak. And thanks for all the great work on the firmware updates! Best wishes,
  10. I think that an automated backup is only of marginal use. This is because once you have a stable Insteon network, you probably won't be making changes regularly. If you are making changes to your network, I recommend making a backup prior to beginning, then maybe again in the middle of your session, assuming that you have a lot of changes to make. Maybe even more than one backup in the middle if you have a really long session. Then again at the end of your session. I tend to be somewhat "backup-compulsive", so this kind of behavior is rather instinctive for me, even when working on a Word document, spreadsheet, presentation, etc.
  11. Hello all: Historically, when using the "Replace" device functionality, a device that had been used in a program would not be overwritten with the new device identity. You had to manually go through your programs to re-add the new device in place of the old one. Has this functionality been changed as of firmware 2.7.5? Will it now replace all instances of the device in programs with the replacement device? If not, will this functionality eventually be added? Thanks
  12. Wow! Thanks, Rand. At first I didn't think that it would work, since I'm still using the ISY-26. But the link does work, taking me directly into the Admin Console. Nice! When I use the normal "My Lighting" link, I find that I get a two step logon process, first into a white browser screen, with choices for "Devices - Scenes - Programs - Admin Console". Clicking on the Admin console link in that screen then opens the Admin console logon, which again asks for the Admin password. I'm assuming that this new? Also, am I ok using 2.7.0 for controlling the new Insteon Motion Sensor Floodlights, or do I need to go to 2.7.6? Thanks
  13. Sorry guys, but I ran into a snag: I went to first download and install 2.6.5. The release instructions ssid to access the console by going to "http://www.universal-devices.com/27. However, that logon did not work. I had my PnP turned off, so I turned that on. Still no good. Disabled Norton Autoprotect, and updated Java. Still didn't work. So instead I (crazily) decided to open My Lighting through my normal logon method, and accepted the offer to upgrade to 2.7.0. I hadn't done this in so long that I thought maybe it would simply take me to download that upgrade, and maybe some additional instructions. But that actually began the installation, after first making a backup of my network (which I also had previously done). So I now have 2.7.0 installed on my ISY-26. I tested a circuit control and it seems to work. My programs look like they are there. I tried one of my conditional cleanup programs, and it seemed to work. Is there anything that I need to be aware of in terms of problems that may have happened since I did not first upgrade to 2.6.5? I also tried the www.universal-devices.com/27 command, and I still cannot get into the console that way, even after the 2.7 upgrade. Any ideas? I'm using IE 8.0. Thanks!
  14. Hello Michael, MikeB, Rand: Thanks much for your replies! Sorry that I keep disappearing. Life is very busy! My X10 legacy network has started having problems (although all the Insteon stuff is still stable). So driven by necessity, I'm finally "jumping back in the water" this weekend, so to speak, and starting to work on my network. I am just now getting around to finally upgrading to 2.7. I decided to first upgrade the ISY-26, since it's a "known" entity, and has been working reliably for the Insteon stuff (rather than making the jump all the way to my ISY-99i). I recently ran a few network queries, and the ISY-26/PLM is good with Insteon communications still. I might try setting up the 99i after I first can demonstrate that ISY-26 will upgrade properly. My current purpose in upgrading my firmware is to finally dump all remaining X10 devices, and thus I need to add functionality for the new Insteon "Motion Sensor Floodlights". So my question is what version of the ISY26 firmware will support these devices: 2.7.0, or do I have to go to 2.7.5 or 2.7.6? I guess that the proper order on how to do this is for me to first take the ISY-26 from 2.6.0 to 2.6.5, and then from there to 2.7.0 or 2.7.6? Thanks again, guys. It's so good to see that you're stil all here! Best wishes, Frank
  15. Hello MikeB! Thanks for the reply. Ok, so here's another question then: has anything else on the case changed? On mine, the screw slots are right behind some solder points. I'm reticent to hang it on the wall via those slots, as I'm afraid that it would be too easy to short out the circuit board. I remember a long time ago that I suggested that a sheet of plastic be put in there to provide some insulation to stop a short circuit. Along with this, I had suggested that the slots be moved to the opposite end of the case (the end with the LEDs). That way, when you hang the unit, the cables would all be hanging "down". With the configuration that I have, if I use the slots to hang the 99i, the cables would be coming in from the top. Alternately, there could be slots at both ends of the bottom, to allow for mounting in either orientation. Last question: what is the SD card used for, and why would it ever have to be changed.
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