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Everything posted by MIlton

  1. Thanks everyone for the responses! So it seems that unless I go with the Alpha software 5+ there is no easy way to do this now with 4.6.2? It seems like it should be so easy to set a variable to a devices current state or level. I must really be missing something here I suppose, and someone must have found a way to get around the motion sensors turning off all the lights after motion is detected. ANy other thoughts or help would be most appreciated!-Milt
  2. Hey all, My ISY994 has been rock solid for a few years now. I have about 30 insteon devices around the house. Trying to tighten up home security a bit but struggling. I have several motion sensors around the property. When one triggers its set to turn a scene on that includes security lights. Unfortunately when the motion sensor turns off, it also turns off all the lights in the scene. This is really a pain when the whole house lighting is set nicely and then a bunch of lights turn off for good. Is there a way to create a program that will trigger on motion, check the level of each device, brighten everything for a time, then set everything back to where it was? I have some neat programs but this is one thing I just could not figure out. I cant find a way to set a variable to the current level of a device =-( Any advice or ideas here would be awesome! Thanks, Milt
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