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Everything posted by curtbl

  1. Michel thanks for the quick responses....... So a quick overview of my network, which has not changed btw. Anyway I do have a router but the Win Domain controller is providing WINS DNS etc... In the case of the ISY-99 I have assigned a stactic IP with Gateway and DNS assigned as well I just checked the ISY again and the MEM/Error lights are not flashing at this time. So the Network has a controllable switch and it feeds a cable to my office where it hits a hub for this PC a printer and the ISY Everything is working normally and I can ping the ISY just get no response except the blue screen and no logon. All very interesting to say the least... I did change cables between the ISY and the hub at this end no change there either. I may try another location, and a different switch port independent of this PC's Hub.... this is just closest to the main power panels.... and has been working great since install. Again thanks for the help in troubleshooting. Thanks Curt OK since this was first posted I did a compete hub switchout at the location mentioned above, and all still works correctly, utilized a laptop PC also conneted to the same hub as now this pc the ISY the Printer etc and all except the ISY work correctly. Now I'm confused... Thanks C
  2. Michel thanks for responding. I did what you asked.... actually 3 times with a power down for a at least 30 sec in between, here is what happens: Power, Transmit and Recieve come on first followed by MEM which flashes for awhile then the Error light comes on for a moment and then TX RX, MEM goes off almost imediately the MEM and ERROR light come on together for 5 seconds TX / RX are litely flashing MEM and ERROR continue to flash on and off and still are after 10 minutes of being on power.... Again from either the MyISY on the site or from my IP/admin I get theblue screen and no logon, trying logon from the menu does nothing either. Thanks for you thoughts.... Curt
  3. Rand, none... I keep really close watch on the systems full domain controller etc and the system ISY has been working fine until the last month or so, cannot access it from Android device or different PC's ... Nothing has changed on the system as I haven't had time to change any of the pc's or networking. Curt
  4. I have this issue on going from time to time and now home long enough that I hope I can find what the issue is. While the ISY 99 appears to be working correctly, I cannot access it from either the direct IP address/admin or the link on the support page. It will sometimes open to the blue background screen but no login appears it sometimes wont do that and once in a while when the blue screen does open I get a dialog box that says Socket open failed Java.net.socket timout exception. Rebooting sometimes helps, compete power down does the same but if I get in at all after that it is only briefly than no access once again. Thoughts anyone? Curt
  5. I'm new to the forums but have been around the automation community for a bit now, originally using X-10 and JDS Stargate along with Crestron, i have upgraded to Insteon and the ISY99, nice stuff Michael and team. But I have a question that I am stumbling on and can't figure our what I'm doing incorrectly. Follows is a program out of the system. I would expect that the THEN section would be executed if the IF statements were true.... so If I turned off the MBed Ceiling Floods and the status of either the status lines were correct Then should be executed, however if status of both units are off instead of on I would expect Else to be executed In my case if I turn on one of the moudles indicated in a status line then the else runs, I selected Status not control, what am I missing. If From 10:01PM To Sunrise +20 minutes (next day) And-( Control 'Mbed ceiling floods' is switched off or X10 'B5/off (11) is recieved And Status 'Fam Rm Tbl Lamp' is on or Status 'Curts office" is on -) Then Set Scene 'Mbedroom' off Set Scene 'MainHall' 22% Else Set Scene 'Mbedroom' off Set Scene 'MainHall' off Set Scene 'EntLite' off Set Scene 'Kitchen' off etc............ Thanks for the thoughts Curt
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, I suppose it is a possible solution, but I'm not sure how that might work as a condition in a program. I was hoping to hear from Michael that there was a way or that it might be considered in the future. Thanks Curt
  7. Michael, been lurking around here for sometime now, learning, reading, watching and taking it all in. Purchased a 99 from you all a few months ago after getting totally frustrated with hl2. Long story short, fully automated house from garage doors to security, lighting, HVAC on and on... Started with Stargate, just after it came out, totally pleased, but dosen't interface with Insteon. Full Crestron system with 8 plus touchpanels around the house including e-control from my PDA. X-10 was the lighting choice for years instead of a retrofit, today Insteon takes the place... All that said to say that Crestron controls lighting (X-10 and Insteon) by sending ASCI codes to Stargate, Stargate then sends X-10 code out that the ISY sees and lighting is activated, reverse is true, so ISY sends a x-10 out that Stargate sees and Stargate then sends ASCI to Crestron so the touchpanels indicate the status of a light tuned on or off at the switch. Now all that said to ask......... Is there plans to implement simple asci commands into the conditions via either IP or RS232.... I would simply enjoy getting rid of the last x-10 commands that still don't always respond correctly. Oh btw, great product except for my interface to other systems it is doing what I had hoped for. Thanks for the work and great support attitude that I have seen here over the last months. Curt
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