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  1. I have personally installed an ELK M1 in one of the largest gun factories in the world. I have installed them in drug testing facilities that store millions of dollars worth of reagents in freezers and fridges. We monitor temps and generator activities, I also log the high and low temps on a daily basis. Many of our installations are part of other automation systems, frequently the elk is needed to bridge gaps in the other controllers short comings. I have not tried the echo or any of the other voice devices, I personally have a very deep voice v rec not so good for me. But disarming would not be something you should not do unless their is a way to require you to say a disarm code or word. Many times I get jobs to assist folks when they can not properly set-up, program their systems. I would be very surprised if they are not used by a few Fortune 500 companies! I also service install and program HAI both products are awesome, though the elk has an entry point available to many more folks!
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