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Everything posted by guags99

  1. Thank you for the tip! I had to go in and turn on SNI for all of my Network Resources for Webhooks calls. Now they are all working. Thanks again!
  2. I am not having the same luck. I am still getting errors on all of mine. Same errors in the log as I have had. Anyone else still suffering?
  3. I opened a ticket with IFTTT on 12/30 but got no such feedback that they were working on it. So I just updated my ticket asking for an update and shared that others have this issue as well. Thanks
  4. I am not seeing the DHCP errors that you are seeing, but I did look at my Error Logs and the first instance I had of -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002 Net Module Rule: 14 is: Mon 2021/11/29 11:04:46 PM System -170001 [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002 Net Module Rule: 14 This is CST, so just after midnight on 12/30 Eastern Time. I assume this is consistent with others? I am trying to determine if it started at the same local time, or all at the same instant globally. I assume the latter, but wanted to check. But even if that is the case, I am still not sure if this issue is on the IFTTT side since I cannot replicate the issue on any other platform. I have an HTTP app on my Android phone that I can use the same POST configured as close to the settings as I have in my ISY and it work immediately. No errors.
  5. Thanks for the engagement on this. Everything others have posted are consistent with my experience. I have rebooted and checked logs. The errors I have seen are consistent. I too have incoming requests from webhooks that work fine, however outgoing to IFTTT do not.
  6. I have quite a few Network Resources setup to trigger devices via IFTTT. Some of these have been setup for years with barely and issue. However this morning none of these Webhooks calls are triggering my IFTTT routines. The Key works fine because I can test it via a browser window, and all is well. However when testing each Network Resource via the ISY Interface from the Network Resource screen, I sometimes get a "Request Failed" pop-up, and sometimes I get no error, but they still do not fire my IFTTT routines. Anyone else? I made no changes in the past few days. I have reached out to IFTTT, but have no response back from them yet. Just strange if it is just me. Thanks
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