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Everything posted by nato595

  1. Hi Kevin, I came across this thread in searching for basically what you describe. I'm really curious how you have ISY detect when you ADT system is Armed/Disarmed?? I have an ISY system, a lot of Insteon components, and just one or two Z-Wave things as well. I'm looking to automate auctions in ISY, but based on the status of the ADT system. Any help is much appreciated!
  2. That's what I tried, nice and basic, but although I watched the temp of the thermostat change the module never switched on or off. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that the Admin Console of ISY never updates the temp shown unless I do a query. Shouldn't it update just as regularly on the screen as switches and other devices do?
  3. I don't know why such a simple concept is stumping me and just not working... I'm looking for the Program code to do this following: If the temp is >= 80F Then Set On/Off Module to ON If the temp is <= 79F Then Set On/Off Module to OFF (and keep repeating this continuously). I don't know which is better; to Query the temp every minute or so, or if every change in temp will potentially trigger the program. Not sure how this works at a technical level. Thanks in advance!!
  4. Thank you all, I appreciate it! I went with the option that APOSTOLAKISL gave in making two programs, as it was the easiest for a newbie like me to understand and duplicate. it's working just as I wanted it to now. Thanks again!
  5. Hello! Trying to make a simple program that sends me an email immediately when a door is opened - easy enough... but the part that is stumping me is that I only want it to send me the email once every 5 minutes, or in other words only if it hasn't already done one in within the last 5 minutes. The reason being that it's not a commonly used door, but occasionally I may go in and out of the door 5 times within a few minutes and I don't want 5 emails. I assumed using the WAIT command after the THEN actions would do this, but I still got an email for every time the door was opened within a short period of time. Also, important note that I don't want the program to only run every 5 minutes, as I do want the email immediately when the door opens, just not excessive amounts of times within a few minutes. Attached is a screen shot of what I have (unworking) as of now. Thanks in advance!
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