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Everything posted by geekdad

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  2. HI Folks. I really appreciate all the help. I am having some problems with the Insteon in my garage. Which is one of the reasons. I don't think it is the IO Link out there though. I'm going to close this topic and probably look at a different reed switch out there. Maybe even put in an IR prox sensor mounted to the ceiling or something like this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0052WM522/ref=s9_acsd_topr_hd_bw_bKls4p_c_x_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-5&pf_rd_r=VKE9BAN4N3WG4B86SDMN&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=73646bc4-9611-5327-b1e3-847c3b5e5ebd&pf_rd_i=306936011. I'll let you know if I burn the house down. I'll close this thread for now as my direct question has been answered. I'll post in a more approprate category when ready. Thank you again for all the help.
  3. Thank you both very much for the reply. It doesn't appear a work around of updating a variable is a functional solution either. So I guess the question is, are there any plans to be able to check the status of a connected device? For example, before actuating a relay to close the garage door, I wanted to check to see if I left it open. I could build a work around by running a program that first checked to see if the door was open before actuating the valve so I do not adjust accidentally. If you tell me chrcking the status of a device is a bad idea and not worth implementing I could go down that road. Thank you again for the help.
  4. Hi. Sorry I had to disappear for a few days. I have tried those commands. Or at least I think I did. Specifically, I went to this link http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/echo/Commands.pdf And I was trying the 'get status of {predevice} {device} {postdevice}' And Alexa's response is {device} doesn't support that. Where the devices are Insteon On/Off switches. So perhaps what I am asking is simply not possible. Or perhaps I have set up something incorrect on the https://my.isy.io/index.htm site. Thank you again for any and all help.
  5. Hi. I'm having no problems getting the ISY and the echo to turn on and off Insteon devices, scenes, and programs. I am having a problem getting status information of devices on my network. I'm guessing I'm missing something simple. Is there any directions or setup for the the status? Keith's directions for setup worked awesome and educated me a lot! But I missed whatever the steps were to setup the status events. Any help is good help. If you have some place to point me I promise I will read it!
  6. Hello. Is this still an active project? If so your site appears to be down. Thank you for your help.
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