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  1. Mine are scenes. You can still group all alexa (and newly ISY created lights) to a room in alexa as you normally would. Clicking ALL ON in the alexa app inside a room group would include your lights/scenes/programs/variables from ISY.. and of course speaking to alexa would react to "turn on lights" in that group.
  2. I agree. However Alexa always discovers my LiFX lights even if I remove them and I'm sure other smart devices she autodiscovers on your network. I just keep them disabled in the alexa app now. very annoying because i have a huge list of devices that I hate seeing because they're useless but always in the way.
  3. What exactly is ISY on Polisy? I can't find any info on it other than this forum... I'm here hoping it's something like an html5 Admin Console. But I would love to understand what it actually is, does it get rid of my ISY device and move everything to my Polisy? Thanks, Patryk
  4. Thanks everybody! A successful update fixed about all my problems. From: 1. Your are already on 12.2 (uname -a) //To make sure your're on 12.2 only i believe, uname -a returns a version number only// 2. Make sure udx is on 2.1.2_1 (pkg info udx). If not, upgrade udx (sudo pkg upgrade udx) 3. Run cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash This will upgrade you to 13, upgrade Python to 3.8, and then goes through all your node servers and upgrades them to use Python 3.8.
  5. Thanks @Javi, I'll give those steps a try later, I'm fairly familiar with ssh and have access to the server on my PC. That link might be the solution. Now that I think about it my problems started to appear when I did an automatic polisy update in the dashboard, I think I saw a few errors in the log and ignored them. @MrBill thanks! I'll reach out to @Michel Kohanim if the solution above doesn't work.
  6. @DennisC Thanks, that's the first thing I did but it didn't do what the name suggests. Any corrupt files on the server didn't get deleted and I think those steps don't delete and reinstall all the required git depositories. From my original post: I decided to factory reset my polisy pro (hold multiuse button until all 3 LEDs are blinking, about 40 seconds.) but that did nothing
  7. Hi, for one reason or another. I decided to factory reset my polisy pro (hold multiuse button until all 3 LEDs are blinking, about 40 seconds.) but that did nothing, my installed nodes are still there which are also useless. I have since removed them and one remains with a "No Details Available" button that I cannot do anything with. I've clicked all the restarts possible in the dashboard - restart polygot, reboot isy, update polisy, reboot polisy. I no longer see the "Node Servers" button on my ISY admin console either. What are steps to "factory rest" a polisy, like actually factory reset as if I just got it new, with all the right stuff installed? I'm afraid to remove the files on the server because I wouldn't know which git packages I would need to install to get everything working again? Just follow these instructions? polyglot-v2/README.md at master · UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot-v2 (github.com) Thanks for any insight, Patryk
  8. smokegrub and anybody wondering - this was an Alexa issue while they were doing an upgrade (I believe) - mine also didn't work for a short period of time earlier.
  9. Hi all, I’m getting my virtual devices setup via the Portal V3 Alexa. Everything works great for example “Alexa turn on my Living Room TV” -> the program runs instantly and turns on the keypad button, dims the lights, and of course turns on the tv and changes my receiver input. However, the Echo device itself spins as if alexa doesn’t know what to do and comes back with “Sorry Living Room TV is not responding.” Even thought everything ran fine on the ISY side. Has anyone come across the issue? Not sure how to troubleshoot. Thanks, Patryk
  10. When I Say “Alexa, turn up the volume on Basement Speakers”, the speaker volume goes up as expected right away. However my Echo comes back with "Sorry Basement Speakers is not responding.” statement, even thought the action worked.
  11. So I got the global cache setup with my first device. Yay! My vol up and down keypads work great in the basement. I linked it to Alexa in the portal -> it works! “Alexa, turn up the volume on Basement Speakers” runs my program right away. However, Alexa thinks for a long time and comes back with a “Sorry Basement Speakers is not responding.” Has anyone had the same issue? Not sure how to proceed.
  12. Btw Berry, a RPi is definitely on my list to implement (5.0 nodes). I don’t think I’m there yet with my install.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I’m getting my first iTach today so I will be starting with the global cache way first and see how that fits into my setup/what I untimely need at the end. I will be getting back to you shortly when I get stuck I’m sure. Thanks, Patryk
  14. Thanks! I'll start my work/research on that. It sounds like exactly what I’m looking for.
  15. Hi all, Currently I have an Alexa-Harmony-ISY set up. Because calling Harmony goes through IFTTT it takes a LONGGG time to get IR responses. I’d like to get rid of it and replace it with Global Cache. I’ve read great things about it and IP-2-IR seems to integrate with ISY well via Network Resources. The easiest way to control Global Cache via alexa is a skill called Eddy. The catch here is that you have to say “Alexa TELL Remote Control to turn off TV”. ISY Portal has a virtual A/V devices that I’d love to take advantage. The only reason I have Harmony is because I can say “Alexa turn on tv”, that will trigger an IFTTT applet and send the status of the tv to ISY via a variable. Vice versa, I click the TV keypad button off, IFTTT gets the signal, and Harmony turns it off. All great minus the delay because we have to use IFTTT to talk to Harmony. It would be amazing if I can incorporate Global Cache into ISY and then attach the Global Cache devices into the ISY Portal under virtual devices so that Alexa is calling my A/V devices directly thought ISY and with simple commands like “Alexa turn on the TV”. Unfortunately I’m not advanced enough to set something like this up and any pointers in the right direction would be extremely helpful. Has anyone setup a Global Cache (or similar) IR system and was able to incorporate it into Alexa or an idea of how to get something like this up and running, if even possible at all? Thank you! Patryk
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