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  1. Hi AllI am trying to use a remote control to control my roller shades. The remote control has two simple buttons; up and down. The buttons are activated when the contacts (for each button) are connected. I was thinking of using the IOLinc, for the buttons. I believe I would need to wire the COM to one side of the contact and the N/O to the other. That way when I activate the IOLinc, the COM and N/O would close, and thus connect the contact.But this would require one IOLinc per button. Kind of a pricey way to control the shades. I was wondering if there's a slick way to use one IOLinc to control the up and down motion of the buttons. Or what other option I have to control the buttons. Is there a Zwave relay out there?Thanks
  2. I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this, but I'll ask anyways. Is there anyway to fix this?
  3. Hi Brian My mistake, I actually do have the 2412s PLM. When I run the diagnostics program in the Admin Console, it says something like 'controller not found'. I'm sure the ISY is connected because it's powered and I can get to it via a web browser. Well, the Power LED is on, and the PLM led is dimly blinking (randomly)...
  4. Hi all, after a recent brownout, I realized that my lights weren't responding like they should be. I checked the ISY and noticed only the power light was on, so I unplugged the 2412 and the ISY and replugged them back in after a minute or so. The ISY flashed though the RX, TX and MEM lights and then those lights turned off and only the power light was on. In the mean time the lights still didn't work. I logged onto the admin console and it said that it couldn't communicate with the PLM. I did a reset of the PLM (unplugged it for 10s and while holding the SET button, plugged it back in, and holding SET for 3 more seconds). There were a couple of bright flashes, followed by random dim flashes. Still not working or communicating. So now I'm left wondering, did the brownout kill my ISY and/or my 2412s PLM? I need help... I'm kinda amazed how many things I automated.
  5. Hi I upgraded to 3.1.4 from all the way back (version 2.7.6). After I upgraded, I can't access the ISY from the internet anymore. I can access it locally, from the home network, but I can't do it remotely. This is the screen I get when I try it remotely.
  6. Thanks subroutine, it works fine now...
  7. Hi I have a motion sensor in the bathroom controlling the lights. But my problem is when I step in and out under a minute, while shutting off the lights, the lights turn back on. This is because the sensor is still on, I am shutting the lights off under the 1 minute sensor shutoff. I tried to use the ISY to turn off the motion sensor, but that doesn't seem to work. It just gives me a communication error. What the program does is it starts off at State 0. When there is motion, the State 1 condition activates the State 1 Body, which turns on the lights. The State 2 Condition is activated if the sensor times out and turns off. Then State 2 Body waits 20 minutes and then turns off the lights and returns to State 0. The 20 minute wait is for people in the shower. Now if you turn off the lights manually, it triggers State 3. It should turn off the lights and return you to State 0. But if you are in the bathroom for under a minute, the motion sensor is still on when you turn off the lights. So when you turn off the lights (sending back to State 0), State 1's condition is activated because the sensor is still on. I was hoping to get some advice on my program. I hope this isn't too complicated. I really like the whole States paradigm to programming. S0.Cond (Run at Startup) If then Run S0.Body (Then Path) else S0.Body If then Run S1.Body (Else Path) Run S2.Body (Else Path) Run S3.Body (Else Path) else S1.Cond If Program S0.Body is True and Status MotionSensor is On then Run S1.Body (Then Path) else S1.Body If then Run S0.Body (Else Path) Run S2.Body (Else Path) Run S3.Body (Else Path) Set MasterBathroom On else S2.Cond If Program S1.Body is True and Status MotionSensor is Off then Run S2.Body (Then Path) else S2.Body If then Run S0.Body (Else Path) Run S1.Body (Else Path) Run S3.Body (Else Path) Wait 20 minutes Set MasterBathroom Off Run Program S0.Body (Then Path) else S3.Cond If Control MasterBathroom is switched Off then Run S3.Body (Then Path) else S3.Body If then Run S0.Body (Else Path) Run S1.Body (Else Path) Run S2.Body (Else Path) Run Program S0.Body (Then Path) else
  8. Hi I'm having problems with the dimmer settings in my 3-way switch. The primary switch of the 3 way circuit is a switchlinc dimmer while the secondary switch is a non-dimming switchlinc. So I've installed the switches and created a scene for the three way light. I have a set ramp rate and an On level setup. From the computer and from the primary switch, it works fine. But from the secondary switch, it goes full on to full off. There's no dimming or ramp rate. Since the dimming switchlinc is controlling the lights, I'm a bit confused as to why I don't get dimming and the programmable on level. Is there something I'm missing or forgot to program? I didn't link the two manually like the Insteon says to. Everything was done in the ISY program... Thanks for the help in advance...
  9. oberkc: I and using an Insteon Motion sensor. I have a program that controls the garage lights (switchlinc). It's not directly linked (scene) to the keypadlinc button because there are a handful of variables that keep the lights on and depending on the time or event, the lights should not come on. That's why the program controls the lights. I would have no idea how to include all the different if branches if it was just controlled using a scene. LeeG: I guess I was mistaken and tried to turn a responder into a controller too. It seemed like a reasonable thing to do, well at the time... I think I'll try incorporating the turning on and off the scene as you both suggested. Hopefully that will work. Thanks for the quick response and the help.
  10. Hi all I have my garage lights controlled by a program on the ISY99. When the motion sensor detects motion, the lights turn on. In addition, if it's late and the garage door opens, the lights turn on too. As part of the debugging process, I currently have the garage lights linked to button C on the keypadlinc (from the main page). So when I manually switch on the lights in the garage, Button C lights up, and when I switch off the lights, Button C turns off. The problem I have is that when the motion sensor turns the garage lights on, Button C doesn't turn on. I'm not sure what the disconnect is, but I need to know if the lights are on. There have been times, due to communications problems, and problems with my code in the program, that the garage lights have been left on over the weekend. I've tried to rewrite my program to turn on Button C, but there isn't an action that lets you do that. All I see when I choose the actions for Button C are to change the LED levels... Can someone please help? Thanks
  11. Hey Sub-Routine Thanks for the reply. I understand the result will be the same, but is it more beneficial to write it one way over the other?
  12. Hi I have a program that checks to see if the garage door is opened, and if it's past sunset, it turns on the light. While writing the code, I stumbled across an interesting question. When does the ISY check the condition of a program? For instance, in the following code (paraphrasing code) IF After sunset and before sunrise AND status garage door is ON THEN does the ISY check the program every second? That seems a bit inefficient. Is it better to write the code like the following IF status garage door is ON AND after sunset and before sunrise THEN Is this more efficient since the code is only checked when the garage door status has changed? Thanks
  13. thanks for the replies coming from a programming background, it feels a bit constrained with the fixed format of the IF Loops, but it seems to work fine now. I'm using Mike's version with two if loops, one button though... press once = on hold = off I'm really starting to like the IR option and I'm really glad to have bought it.
  14. Hi I'm trying to use my harmony remote to toggle on and off a scene for watching TV... here's the script. I don't know what's going wrong, but the "Toggle Watch TV" program is stuck looping over and over again and the lights turn on and off, until I disable the script... Any thoughts? (name:Watch_TV) -------------------------------------------------- If IR 'IR_001' is Released Then Run Program 'Toggle Watch TV' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') -------------------------------------------------- (name:Toggle Watch TV) -------------------------------------------------- If Status 'TV Light' is Off Then Set Scene 'Button B -Watch TV' On Else Set Scene 'Button B -Watch TV' Off
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