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  1. Mine finally died this year (10+ years old). I have eisy, so want to switch to zwave instead of Insteon. Is anyone using something similar (multi low-voltage switch) that they would recommend? TIA
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I couldn't find "Update with interview", but there is a "Syncronize:New & Deleted with Interview". Not sure if that is the same thing, but it did work on my Zwave devices that weren't working earlier. Thanks again for the suggestion!
  3. Admittedly, I am not that familiar with Zwave, but have started migrating to Zwave devices when Insteon devices were scarce. I recently upgraded my 994 Pro to eisy and followed the migration steps and all seemed to work fine. However, some of my Zwave devices are 'messed up'. See screenshot of the error message that I get when I tried to turn it off or on from the Admin console. Some of my Zwave devices are fine, others respond just like this example does. How does one go about fixing this? TIA
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