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Everything posted by JimV

  1. JimV

    Drapes modified

    I am trying to adapt the drapes programs that 'tcster' reported on Mar 23, 2008 to a single KPL. His programs allowed the user to open and close the drapes with KPL switches while maintaining the integrity of his timed based programs to open and close the drapes. I have tried to adapt his code to a single KPL button with limited success. The first two programs open and close the drapes based on time of day and work well. Drapes Morning If Time is 9:30:00AM Then Set 'Drape plug' On Wait 20 seconds Set 'Drape plug' Off Else -No Actions Drapes Evening If Time is Sunset Then Set 'Drape plug' On Wait 20 seconds Set 'Drape plug' Off Else -No Actions I also have two programs adapted from 'tcster' that open and close the drapes using a KPL button and again they work well by themselves. Drapes Button Open If Status 'Kitch KPL-D' is On Then Set 'Drape plug' On Wait 20 seconds Set 'Drape plug' Off Else -No Actions Drapes Button Close If Status 'Kitch KPL-D' is Off Then Set 'Drape plug' On Wait 20 seconds Set 'Drape plug' Off Else -No Actions What 'tcster' was able to do and I am not is to set the condition of the KPL-D button depending if the drapes are open (On) or closed (Off). Setting this condition allowed him to add code that determined if the drapes were, for example, opened before 9:30AM by using the KPL-D button and preventing the "timed" program from incorrectly shutting the drapes. I cannot find a way to change the On/Off status of the KPL-D button other than when the button is pressed manually, but not when the timed programs run. I hope I am clear in what I am asking and would like to thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  2. This is my first time using a KPL and I am trying to create a "Home" vs "Away" condition. When the "A" button is Off then we are at home and I want the hot water programs to run. When we are away the "A" button is On, then a program runs to shut off the hot water and keep it off until the "A" button is turned OFF. I want to use this when we are away from home for a few days or more. I wrote programs to turn the hot water on at 6 AM and off at 10 PM and they work fine but I am not successful trying to use the KPL to set the condition of home vs. away. Any help?
  3. JimV

    Motion Goes Full On

    Thanks for you help. Your suggestions help me develop a solution. Thanks again
  4. I have my outside lights go to 60% at sunset and off at 10PM. What I am trying to do is have them go to 100% for one minute if the motion sensor is activated, and then back to 60%. If the sensor is activated after 10PM until sunrise the lights should go to 100% and then go off. Any help?
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