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  1. Michel, Restoring the KPL fixed my problem. Thanks! The KPL worked in some scenes (where it was controller) so I made the (wrong) assumption that a restore wouldn't help. Scott
  2. Michel, If the KPL button is a responder in the scene and a program turns the scene on, the KPL button (LED) does not turn on. Is this something specific about my configuration? (if the button is a controller, it does indeed turn on). I have a button as a controller in a scene. I want to be able to turn the button on/off independent of the scene. I created a separate scene with the button as a responder hoping to use this scene to turn on the button but it doesn't do it. Scott
  3. Following up on a previous question I posted.... Is there a way to programmatically turn on the LED of a KPL button (other than 'A') without turning on a scene in which the button is a controller? I believe I used to have the buttons in scenes as responders and could turn on the button by turning on the scene. Has this been lost in the newer KPLs or newer ISY firmware (KPL=V.36; ISY=2.7.12). Requiring that the button be a controller is very limiting since the button can only be a controller in one scene and the entire scene must be turned on. Maybe I'm missing something. Any help would be appreciated. Scott
  4. I have a scene that includes five responders and three controllers. The three controllers are three buttons on a KPL. For each of the three, I've set the on-level for the other two to zero. When I press one of the three buttons, the other two go off (desired behavior). One of the responders is a button on the same KPL. When the scene is turned on (either via program or manually), all three controller buttons turn on and the responder button does not turn on. So I have two questions: 1. Should the responder button turn on when the scene is turned on? EDIT: When I push one of the controller buttons, the responder button turns on. When I activate the scene in admin console, the responder button doesn't turn on. Shouldn't these two operations have the same result? 2. If all three controller buttons turn on, this isn't mutual exclusion. How do I set it up so only one button turns on? (I realize that there would have to be a way to specify which button should turn on). The KPL is V.36. ISY is running 2.7.12. Thanks. Scott
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