Hello Lee,
I was looking for the same thing, something that would detect if the cars are in the garage. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of 'elegant' solutions available right now. You could use the I/O Linc which you can either connect to something like the Radar Parking assistant http://www.smarthome.com/9580/Radar-Par ... les/p.aspx or to a photobeam set or use a weight resistor circuit etc. etc.
When using the Radar parking assistant, you can use the I/O Linc with the light/LED detector kit http://www.smarthome.com/24950A2/I-O-Li ... Kit/p.aspx and attach the sensor to the red LED on the Parking assistant. Or use this I/O Linc kit http://www.smarthome.com/70414/I-O-Linc ... Kit/p.aspx to detect a car.
I also really hope, that there will be more and better analog and digital Insteon I/O devices soon.
This is not an ideal solution, but for now this is work-around for me. Hope that gives you at least some ideas.
Good luck,