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Everything posted by erc

  1. I'd like to put a bookmark in my phone, or something more elaborate with Tasker that can authenticate and take me directly to the AJAX based interface that you would normally get if you went directly to the IP address of the ISY. Something like: https://user:password@my.isy.io/isy/hexmumbojumbo/web Am I just missing something simple here?
  2. Been trying to figure out how to get iRule to control my ISY via the portal. Here are my thoughts so far: For the Gateway Configuration: Type: HTTP Name: My ISY Portal IPv4 Address: my.isy.io Port: 443 Username: Name%40domain.com Password: ******** HTTP Method: Get In the panel, I've set a variable on entrance $URLPrefix$ on the panel equal to the prefix in the Portal URL to ISY: /isy/aabbccddee....112233445566 No love. I can access directly via IP address without the prefix. Thoughts?
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