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Everything posted by abartello

  1. I got this to work using Groups. Thanks Javi. So apparently if you install UD Mobile on someone else's phone and then login from their phone using your credentials, it adds the user's iPhone to UD Mobile which you can only see under the notifications tab then selecting groups. You can see them listed under Devices. it doesn't show anywhere is AC that I can tell. Not very intuitive in the app, but it works. Thanks again. Tony
  2. Thank you Javi and Paulbates, this worked. I now get notifications on all cell phones based on home/away status. This works fine for any notification I need to broadcast to all user's phones. But I'm wondering if there is a way to send a notification to a specific phone only. Would I have to add each household member as a separate User on the my.isy.io login page? And then on each of their phones, log out (as they are all logged in using my login credentials) and then login using their new user credentials? Will this generate a new UD Mobile node under devices/notifications for each of them in Admin Console?
  3. Correct. But I would like the option in the future to focus specific notifications to the household users. Someone was kind enough last year to post this document "Notifications for Dummies" on this forum, but it works for only one user, one cell phone. Not sure how to add others. Thanks. Notifications for Dummies.pdf
  4. I have an EISY with PG3 and Notifications plug-in installed. I have three people in our household and would like to send notifications to each of our phones indicating when any one of us has left or arrived at home. Admin Console has added "UD Mobile" under the Notifications node which I'm assuming is my own cell phone. I presently have a variable for each of us that sets to "1" when that person is home and "0" when away. Using a Customization Event template that Notifications put under the Configure tab, I was able to create a notification for when I arrive and leave. I cheated by first using UD Mobile to create a notification from a device like "Table Lamp", then I went into Admin console and edited this for the person's geofenced variable. But I don't know how to add the other cell phones under Notifications for this. UD Mobile is installed on each of their phones under my account, and I created a Geofence Trigger Enter/Exit for each. So each of their variables are changing appropriately in EISY. How create the notification for their phones? Is there a simpler way to do this? Unfortunately, the whole section on how to do notifications is like the Wild West with so many different approaches with UDI. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Tony
  5. I'm having the same issue as of yesterday. I'm wondering if this is something on UD's end? I get all kinds of Java errors when in Admin console and then the lower red flag of death, which means I can't control anything.
  6. This is why I hate Z-Wave. I feel like we're going backward with technology. Shouldn't be this hard or this many steps.
  7. Same problem here with my Schlage lock that has worked for years. This appears to be a global problem for all Z-wave lock users and not a local problem.
  8. I have several family members both at home and remote who get various notifications form my home system via email to text. Lately, it has been very unreliable, very delayed or doesn't work at all. I am interested in checking out both Pushover and UDI Mobile notification feature. My question is, does this require each and every recipient to now have either Pushover app or UDI Mobile on their phones? The beauty of the text message is it can be sent to anyone, with or without a necessary app on their phone.
  9. Supposedly, Insteon is now back online...... https://www.insteon.com/blog/2022/6/9/fnustys354bfmcmchr36wgvrn5h41z
  10. I have no problem adding and removing Z-wave switches to my IoP, but form the device configuration screen, I can see where you can set the values for Fade Rate, but cannot get the changes to write. Is there a special procedure for this?
  11. This was very helpful for me. Been working IoP with PG2 for several weeks and decided today to try to migrate from PG2 to PG3. I have 8 Nodes and several that needed purchasing. Here's the problem I'm having: - When going into PG3, the first thing that I need to do is add the ISY. But when I do, the Nodes come up on the dashboard all saying unmanaged and "no details". Expected since I haven't restored the PG2 backup.bin file yet. When I try to "Restore PG2 to xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" nothing changes and the existing slots remain inactive. - The migration instructions say to purchase any node licenses prior to restoring. But when trying to install those nodes, it wants to put them in NEW node slots (starting at 9 for me) since the existing ones are already occupied. For example, my Ecobee is in slot 2, but when I purchase and try to install the Ecobee node, the only slots available start at slot 9. It won't allow me to put it in slot 2. And it doesn't allow me to delete the existing nodes in the dashboard. - Trying to Restore the PG2 file before adding an ISY is impossible since the "Restore PG2 backup. to 00:00:00:00:00" option is not there until you actually add the ISY first. It seems to me that I would have to delete all of the nodes in PG2 first, then restart Admin Console to remove them from the ISY, then go back into PG3 and restore the Nodes to their proper slots and HOPE that they will re-appear in Admin Console in their proper positions. Am I missing something?
  12. Absolutely! Thanks kzboray.
  13. I am running ISY on Polisy in parallel with PG2 at the moment. Looking to convert form PG2 to PG3 (I never used the PG Cloud). Now that Polisy allows remote access (through ISY Portal) to Admin Console, I was wondering if it is possible to access the PG3 page remotely (not on local LAN) as well? Will it leverage ISY Portal as a DNS to access PG3? I guess alternately, I can use a DNS service to get to it.
  14. Programming the new Z-wave decide you are adding should be done near to the ISY. Relocate to its final location but then be sure to Refresh you Z-wave network. This allows the final routing tables to be updated.
  15. Same situation has happened to me as well. Appears to be a problem with Locative. Thanks for the good advice Mr. Bill!
  16. Jon - I think with MobiLinc you can still have the Network Resources module separately. It was only when you purchase Portal that the separate Network module goes away because it is already incorporated into Portal. Tony
  17. This is just a guess, but I was an ISY-99 user for many years before I upgraded to the ISY-994i about 3 years ago. From my experience and what I have seen on these forums, this All On/ All Off issue really came about around the time the ISY-994i's were being sold. I had Motion Sensors before that with the ISY-99 and never had a problem. Some people believe the issue is with motion sensors trying to communicate while a wallpad is also trying to communicate at the same time. My Motions Sensors do not directly link to any scene or device, I do that through routines in the ISY. However, I STILL get the occasional All On happening. I have definitely identified that it occurs when a MS detects motion. But that's about it. Not saying that it is the ISY-994i product, but sure seems like it. Tony
  18. I purchased ISY Portal yesterday and have gone through extensive testing and research using these forums. I have used used MobiLinc for a few years now, including Geofence for each of our family members. I did not cancel Mobilinc until I have fully tried ISY Portal. My reason for trying Portal was to get the Amazon Echo to work with my ISY-994i as well as IFTTT (If This Then That). While I was able to get IFTTT working (pretty cool actually), Based on my testing thus far, I find that ISY Portal is lacking the following: MobiLinc App can be configured to work over ISY Portal, but it must go through the portal website which means you are communicating "external" even when your are home on your WiFi. So speed and performance lag as opposed to MobiLinc Connect which allows it to connect to your ISY locally for best speed. The workaround is to set up 2 profiles in MobiLinc, one for local (direct connect) and one for away (ISY Portal) but this is inconvenient and quite frankly unacceptable. Can no longer setup up multiple profiles for additional ISY's in MobiLinc, unless you set up different ISY Portal accounts for each. The Portal has to designate only one ISY as primary so when you log in it knows which UUID to sync with MobiLinc. Again, unacceptable. There is no other App that I am aware of for iOS or Android that works with the ISY other than MobiLinc, eKeypad, and Intellihome. None have been made to work fluently with ISY Portal (yet). Geofence variables can no longer be created or deleted under Location Settings in MobiLinc, when setup to work with ISY Portal. You are now required to use IFTTT for Geofencing (creating recipes for home and away triggers). And if you have more than one family member that uses this with your ISY? You have to create 4 different accounts in IFTTT to work with each of their phones. Setup with ISY Portal to work with your ISY is not as simple and convenient as it was to subscribe to MobiLinc. You have to go between email, the ISY Portal website, and Admin Console to juggle all of the setup and approval requirements. The nice thing that Apple gets is making things simple for everyone to do. UD should have focused on creating a native App for their ISY first, then creating ISY Portal to work seamlessly with that App, taking advantage of all the Geofence, Echo, and IFTTT features available. It doesn't look like UD thought this through. Until then I might be asking for a refund until ISY Portal finds a way to improve the user experience. Tony
  19. I figured it out. Even all of the links were shown properly in Admin Console, they weren't in the various devices. Had to delete and re-create my scenes to re-load the links into each of the devices. Thank you all for your help. Tony
  20. I tried a Restore PLM several times. Usually you get progress bar that comes up where yu can it resets the PLM then takes several minutes to restore all of the links. That doesn't happen at all. Did not do a Delete PLM. No red exclamation points, everything looks normal, except that a normal On or Off command will not work. The Current State of a device in Admin Console only changes to ON or OF for that device when a Fast On or Fast Off command is issued.. Very weird as I've never seen this before. My only conclusion is that the PLM is not properly restored and is only able to issue Fast ON/Off commands and not normal On/Off commands. I will try to do a factory rest to the PLM, then try and restore again. Thanks. Tony
  21. I recently had to replace my PLM (as I have done once before over the past 3 years for my ISY-994i). I follow the proper procedure for powering down the ISY, plugging in the new PLM, waiting around 30 seconds, then powering up the ISY. After logging back into Admin Console, I perform a PLM Restore. The strange thing is that afterward, only a FAST ON or FAST OFF command will turn my Devices or Scenes on or off. The basic ON or OFF commands won't work. I tried again to do a PLM Restore, but it doesn't solve the problem. I also tried rebooting the ISY, and that didn't work either. Has anyone explerienced this same problem? Do I have a new bum PLM even though I just bought it new? SHould I do a facotry reset of the PLM and try agin? Tony ISY-994i Pro with Z-Wave running v.4.3.26 firmware and UI New PLM is v9E
  22. Michel - I read the guide, created my own self-signed certificate (I think), and rebooted my ISY as instructed. I still cannot connect to my ISY remotely using Mobilinc Connect. Evn tried exporting the PEM certificate to my desktop and importing it into my local machine. No luck. Tony
  23. I must admit, I am at a total loss when it comes to understanding SSL certificates, what they are, where they reside, why they have to be approved, etc. Up until now, I have managed to ignore the SSL Certificates message on my screen when going into Admin Console to manage both by own ISY 994i at home, and my father's ISY994i remotely. However, since i upgraded both to Firmware 4.1.1, I can no longer access my father's ISY remotely. So I think I'm forced now to deal with this whole certificate thing. I use Mobilinc Connect to remotely access my father's ISY. Questions: 1) Can I set up an ISY to ignore the need for certificates all together, or is this required? 2) If I own the ISY, why can't I turn off the security feature all together? 3) If i need to get a certificate, what is the procedure? I read the SSL UDI Guide but it doesn't explain the basics of certificates, where they reside and why they are needed. It assumes the user knows all this. 4) I went and followed the instructions, created and saved a CSR and submitted it. Now what? I wait for an email reply from the CA authority? When I get it, what do I do? 5) How do I translate this received certificate to my laptop for remote access? 6) What if I want to access my father's ISY from other machines? Forgive me, but the whole certificate thing is a big damper in using the ISY. Other than that, i am very pleased with the product. Tony
  24. Correct rvandersteen. You're right, it's not a big deal until your wife or kids accidentally close it and forget to leave it running. Then the routines in your house are suddenly not working right because it thinks that no one is home, when someone actually is. Or vica versa. This has happened to me and I get the, "Oh yeah, I forgot from my daughter". Just saying, it's not fullproof and passive anymore. Tony
  25. If you go to the Mobilinc website there is a clause now shown in red text that says the following: NOTE: If you are using iOS 7 you must allow MobiLinc to run in the background. If you remove MobiLinc from the task tray iOS will NOT relaunch MobiLinc on region crossing. This is a deliberate change by Apple in iOS 7 from how geofencing used to work in iOS 6. Also in iOS 7 Background Refresh is a controllable option under the iOS settings. Background Refresh also controls whether geo-fencing notifications will be delivered to apps. In order for geo-fencing to work with MobiLinc, Background Refresh must be allowed (tuned ON) for MobiLinc. This is a drag if you ask me. It was one of the great benefits of Mobilinc to not have to remember to have Moblinc running in the background. Now I'll never get my wife and kids to use it, so my ISY programs will all be thrown off. Tbart66
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