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  1. Hi, Instead of using Mutually Exclusive button feature from KeypadLinc, I followed the recommendation given by the ISY and used an On Level of 0 instead. Button B, C and D are members of the 3 scenes. Button B gives an On Level of 0 to C and D when turned On. C and D do the same on their scene. Together, they work great. The problem is, I also want scene B to be controlled by a RemoteLinc. When I do so, the RL turns On button C and D at 100% and I don't see how can I force them to an On Level of 0. Do I have to create a different and dedicated scene for the RL ? That's the work around I'm using for now. So, the question is : how can I set the On Level of a KPL button member of scene when triggered by a RemoteLinc ? Thanks for your help, Jacques
  2. Hello Wwat, I've just hunted few ghost link myself Here are 2 suggestions : 1-Do a "Device Restore" on the lamplinc that turns On when it should not. If it still turns On... 2-Add the lamplinc in that scene and once done, remove it. It it still turns On when it should not... 3-Re-do the No1 If it still turns On when it should not... Well, give us more details about your settings : Are you using programs for triggering that scene ? (I guess you do because it is a morning wake up scene...) If you are, please post a copy of it. Is there another controller than the PLM in that scene ? If there is one, do the "Restore Device" on it too. Hope the first ideas will do the job, JacquesB
  3. Hi mpf541, In the HowTo section, I posted a copy of my own garage door manager. It is very long and complex, but does not have this problem. It will close the door if you leave it open and should the ISY reboot, the door will remain closed. I just did a few manual reboot of my ISY last week for troubleshooting communication issues and the garage door never open as an answer to that. As Michel explained it, the ISY does a "Query" on boot up, and that turns your door checker true, so it starts the relay. My program's complex structure is exactly designed for that kind of situation. You are free to use it and modify it for your needs. Be careful when you open / close your door automatically, JacquesB
  4. Hi, The ELSE-part of a program is very difficult to use, almost impossible. With both a THEN and an ELSE part, a program is always true and always do something. Either the THEN is true OR the ELSE is true, but something must be true. Here, I posted a complete garage door management program : http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=2834 It is much longer and more complicated than yours, but it works. A difference is the use of 2 variable for the door status instead of 1. If they are both On or both Off, the door is closed. If they are both On, I left home, so next time I will be coming in. If they are both Off, I'm home and next time, I will be leaving. The program manages the lights depending of the case : turning everything off when leaving, turning the garage and stairs On when coming. When the door is opened, I switch only the first of the 2 variables and the second is adjusted only once the door is closed. This way, the controller knows if the door is opening or closing and does not revert it too soon, like your program does. (Mine did it too at first, but I fixed it My program will try to close the door on its own. Be sure your installation is safe and properly protected before letting the door moves on its own. Should you need help for adjusting my program to your need, don't hesitate and ask for it. Jacques B.
  5. Hi, You are right. I tried it and the newly created program has been set to false. I was sure they were true by default... Sorry about that. So, either you reverse the logic (the variable becomes "Already running" instead of "Ready to Run"), or create a reset program for turning that program True at boot up and whenever you wish. Jacques
  6. Hi, By default, programs are true, not false. As you suggested, it is better to explicit a status than letting it by default. You can easily create a program that will force the status either at boot up of the ISY or once per night. Here, I have one that check the status of a day : every week days, it checks if it is an holyday or vacation. If it is, it does not wake me up. If it is a business day, it turns my lights On smoothly. It would also be easy to reverse the logic : set your flag as "Already running" instead "Ready to run" and reverse the entire logic. It would gives you the same result (if trigger and not already running ; then...) Jacques
  7. Hi, an easy way would be to create a flag and use it as a condition for your programs. First, create an empty program Program name : Ready to run If (No condition) Then Else Next, create a serie of triggers for your action and add your flag as a condition Program name : Trigger 1 If ( Switch_No1 is turned On Or KeypadLinc B is turned On ) And Ready to run is True Then Run program Action_1 Then part Run program Ready to run Else part Else Be sure to turn off the flag only at the very end of this program. Doing it at the beginning would make the program false and stop it. Another option would be to turn off the flag as the first action of the Action_1 program. Finally, define what you wish to do in the Action_1 program before resetting the flag at the end. Program name : Action_1 If (No condition) Then Insteon Set Scene A On Wait 5 minutes Run program Ready to run Then part Else This way, no triggers will start when one is running and because Action programs are only started by those triggers, no action will be taken by the system. Have fun with your programs, Jacques
  8. Hi, Keypad1-G and Keypad2-G are used to determine if you are at home or not. If you are at home and the door opens, then you are leaving : the program will react accordingly. If you are not at home and the door opens, you are coming back, so again, the program will do what you need. The "Back Home" and "Leaving" are the scenes that define what to do when you come back or leave. Here, "Back Home" include the 2 lights I have inside the garage plus the light at the top of the stairs. "Leaving" includes almost everything so they are all turned off when I leave. The program will manage the door properly no matter what opened it. You can open the door with your standard remote control or a fixed button inside the garage, the management program will respond properly because it is triggered by the fact that the door opens. Should you wish to open the garage door from another Insteon control, just have this Insteon device turn On the IOLinc relay. Here, I have a small program doing just that : If Garage Light is turned Fast On or Garage Light is turned Fast Off Then Set Garage Door Relay On Before using this program, be sure your door has all the safety mechanism installed and working properly. Have fun with your system, Jacques
  9. Hi, thanks to all of you for the details you gave me about the problem ant the fix. I will definitely use the power bar trick as a permanent fix for this one : plug a power bar with its on light showing power On / Off. This built-in load is enough for absorbing the leak and effectively cancel the problem. Next is to plug the too small load, here LEDs, in that power bar. I also understand that it can not be fixed without disabling the load sensing feature because that small current is both the detector for the load sense and the culprit for this problem. The last idea would be to have 2 models of OutletLinc, just like there are switches and dimmers. The switch must be used for non-dimmable loads, the Cut-off OutletLinc would be required for loads to low like LEDs. Dimmers and LoadSensor Outlets would also be available. One OutletLinc would offer LoadSense, the other would be low charge friendly. Thanks again, Jacques
  10. Hi Rand, As a matter of fact, your suggestion just makes it worst. Before trying it, the LED panel was flashing, but the OutletLinc did not turn completely On. Now, the OutletLinc turns On completely a short moment ofter I turned it off. I understand that the load sense was disable and I enabled it. I tried to re-disable it, but the OutletLinc now keeps turning fully On. Fortunately, the power bar trick still works and I will use it as a fix. Thanks for the idea, Jacques
  11. Hi, In my kitchen, I installed a serie of OutletLinc that controls 3 different lights. One of them is a panel of LED, the other are fluorescent. The problem is for the LED. Because LEDs use a so low energy, they keep flashing when the OutletLinc is turned off. A very small quantity of energy "leaks" from the OutletLinc and it is enough for turning On a charge as low as LEDs. When I plug a power bar in the controlled Outlet and the LED panel in that bar, it may helps depending of the bar : if the bar has a built-in light, this light is enough for "absorbing" the leak and preventing the flashing. If the bar has no light, the LED keeps flashing. If I turn off the power bar, no matter if it has light or not, it also cuts the leak and prevent the flashing. I tried the LED panel in another "OutletLeak" and it flashes again. Is there any other option than a charge in parallel like the light of a power bar for absorbing that leak ? Is there a way to prevent that leak completely? If not, may be preventing this leak could be an improvement for the next OutletLinc model... Jacques
  12. Hi Richard, unfortunately, nothing in the manual of your router shows that it can do DHCP reservation. That means your router will not guarantee that your ISY's IP will not change, but if you keep your ISY On all the time (as it should), your router should not change its IP address. But even if it does change the IP, you can always found easily where your ISY is by looking at the DHCP client table your router has. The option you were talking about (static route to networks) is something completely different than DHCP reservation and can not be used as a replacement. The only thing you can do that will help is to keep the default DHCP lease time to its maximum (1 day). Should your router behaves badly and keeps moving your ISY all over the place all the time, you may look for a router that will do DHCP reservation (many routers do it). Just go on the Internet before buying it and read the user manual. You will see if the router does DHCP reservation or not. Sorry for the bad news, Jacques
  13. Hi Richard, Unfortunately, I do not understand why the ISY refuses to be a DHCP client... What is sure is that you will have no Internet interaction (mail, DNS, NTP...) while your ISY's default gateway is not the internal IP of your router. May be someone else from UD can help you to turn your IP settings to the appropriate walue... As a TCP/IP requirements, your settings must be : IP Address = 192.168.1.XX where XX is an unused number on your network and between 1 and 254 (1 is probably used by the router...) Netmask = GW = IP of the router, probably DNS = The IP of your ISP's DNS server. They can be configured either by DHCP or manually. I failed to help you achieve that with any of them... Hope someone else will be capable of helping you about that. Jacques
  14. Hi Richard, Here is the manual for your router : http://downloads.linksysbycisco.com/downloads/WRT54GL_V11_UG_C-Web,0.pdf At page 8, you have the details about how to configure your DHCP server. At the end of the manual, you also have the option of seeing the DHCP client table. Take a look at this table. If you see your ISY in the DHCP client table, than you may have a mix of TCP/IP settings : part of it is DHCP, part of it is static. It will not work properly. You must go either fully DHCP or fully static. Be sure that all parameters in the DHCP server are right. DHCP server are not designed to mess up networks. Even without a reservation, they -should- not move a resource from an IP to another without any reason. You can go DHCP even without a reservation and your ISY should remains at the same IP because I'm sure you have less than IP devices in your network For going fully static with the right IP settings, try this : telnet to your ISY controller's actual IP address ; telnet Enter the command CT The controller will ask for all the parameters it needs : IP address, netmask, gateway and DNS server. You should use an IP address outside of the DHCP scope used by the router. By default, any IP like 192.168.1.XXX, with XXX under 100 and not 1 should be good. Your netmask should be, again, as a default of your router (of almost every router I should say...). The gateway is the router's internal IP address : by default The DNS server is the same for your ISY than for the router, the one you wrote in your first post. To be sure these new settings are effective, do a reboot of the controller after that, with the command RS For going back to DHCP, do the same procedure but use IP address instead. A thing as simple as TCP/IP settings does not require a reset to factory default. Good luck with this, Jacques
  15. Hi Richard, may be would it be better not to fix these parameters manually, but over DHCP. This is how I work here. Your router, as most routers, should be capable of acting as a DHCP server. In your router settings, create a DHCP entry for your controller and put back your ISY in its default mode : DHCP client instead of static IP. Also be sure the DHCP in your router sets all parameters properly : DNS Server, Default GW, etc. May be the setting is overwritten by this right now : you try to set something that is set to a different value by the DHCP client. Should you need more help about that, simply post your progress. Good luck, Jacques
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