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  1. Not that I am aware of.
  2. FWIW, I opened a ticket last week and they confirmed the issue. They indicated that a fix would be available midweek this week.
  3. More clues... Tried again today. Got the double dialog as usual. But the Error dialog was "Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1 [30]". So I guess they vary. Also, while all of the programs are there are look perfect, none are running. I renamed a program (because there are no comments available, so the name is the only comment you get ). Suddenly all of the programs sprung to life. Alas, it was no help for Z-Wave. Regards, Neal
  4. Thanks for the response. I appreciate the help. Hmm.. I was coming from 4.8 (the last non beta release). The upgrade instructions were somewhat fuzzy. I guess I could attempt backing down to 5.0.16 and then go to 5.3. Is that the common path? Regards, Neal
  5. Hello All, Now that 5.3.0 is an official non-beta release it seemed high time to upgrade. Being a Z-Wave user I acquired a 500 series dongle first. Then Z-Wave backup, ISY backup, upgrade hardware, upgrade software to 5.3.0. All good. Final step was to restore Z-Wave. Attempting that resulted in an unpainted error dialog immediately followed by the not restored dialog. Additional attempts yielded the same results (an unpainted error dialog followed by the restore failed dialog). After logging in/out a couple of times I tried again and got "Change of state failed: SID not found [uuid:0]" as the dialog before the restore failure. There is probably a FAQ somewhere gave me a hint or missed a step (some of the upgrade steps seemed a bit conflictuous) so feel free to send me an RTFM response. Thanks in advance for suggestions. Regards, Neal
  6. ... mostly answered my own question. It worked, but only after getting admin.jnlp from the isy itself and then launching that. Don't know why the one from the UD site dies.
  7. pilotgeek


    My apologies if this is a FAQ question, but I cannot find the answer... Is it possible to use a current OpenJDK/OpenWebStart to run the Admin tool? https://openwebstart.com/ The ISY Finder launches properly with no issues. But neither Admin nor Dashboard will run. Thanks in advance for tips.
  8. Hi All, Problem solved. I will post the solution here for posterity. Despite the giant warnings on the dialog, the answer was "Buttons Grouping". Specifically, and for reasons unclear, buttons A and C were not in a Mutually Exclusive Buttons group. All of the other buttons grouped up as needed automatically based on the programming I did outside of that dialog. Once I added the grouping for A and C manually in the dialog it all worked perfectly. Regards, Neal
  9. I am puzzled as to why it would only affect button C (and A depending upon perspective). All of the other buttons work as expected. Only C blinks when pressed (despite working). It is also the only button that does not annunciate status (probably the same issue, whatever that is). Regards, Neal
  10. Hmm.. perhaps bumping would help. I know someone here will know what the issue is... I hope
  11. I know I can just use one button per function. But I would prefer to use two. Regards, Neal
  12. A through H are all Non-Toggle [on]. Scene for A: Switch A -> 100 Switch C -> 0 Fan -> 100 ( it is an on/off) C is the opposite It is the blinking that really puzzles me.
  13. Hello, I have an 8-key KeypadLinc that I am attempting to use for what feels like simple purposes. It is not working out as planned. Setup: I have two outdoor fans that don't have room for a FanLinc. I need to be able to turn the fans on and off, and do the same with the fan lights (dimming them would be nice too) I have installed one Micro Dimmer (2442-222) and one Micro On/Off (2443-222) in a junction box extension on each of the two fans I have installed one 8-button KeypadLinc nearby (2334-2) I have added all of the devices to the ISY and they all are working properly from the admin interface. What I wanted: A: Fan 1 on B: Fan 2 on ? Fan 1 off ? Fan 2 off E: Fan 1 Light on/brighten F: Fan 2 Light on/brighten G: Fan 1 Light off/dim H: Fan 2 Light off/dim I have realized that brighten/dim aren't possible in the manner which I was hoping with the KeypadLinc -- or at least I think that is the case. Please let me know if I have missed the point there. Moving on, I was able to otherwise program the switchlinc as desired. Mostly. There are a few glitches, one of which is glaring. If I press button A, Fan 1 turns on -- Good. If I press button C, Fan 1 turns off, button C blinks a few times, and then goes out. With B/D, E/G, and F/H things seem to mostly work. I have already tried resetting the KeypadLinc, but there is no change. I am not using any programs for this, only scenes (8 of 'em). Thoughts? I am sure I am missing something simple. Regards, Neal
  14. OK.. that one makes a modicum of sense. If that is the case, then how does one write that condition correctly. In other words, I only want to do the work if the lights are off. If turning the lights on [through the scene] then kills the wait due to the lights now being on it defeats the purpose. What is Best Practice for this situation? Regards, Neal
  15. Possible. But every time?!?
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