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Everything posted by bud.ward@sbcglobal.net

  1. I just replaced an ISY 99i that was defective with a new ISY99i. I backed up the old ISY 99i just before disconnecting it. I then installed the new ISY 99i. When I did the "Restore ISY" all the devices and scenes came over to the new ISY 99i but the programs did not. How do I get the programs from my old ISY99i to restore on the new ISY 99i? Aren't the programs part of the files backed-up? Thanks, Bud
  2. Are you able to program a light sequence in one program? For example with a certain insteon status, I want one light to come on at 10 and off at 10:15, with another light on at 10:15 and off at 10:30, a third light on at 10:30 and off at 10:45, etc. I can't figure out how to do this without creating a separate program for each light. There must be an easier way. Any ideas?
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