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Everything posted by MSM

  1. Michel, Fortunately it turns out to be an easier situation than that. One of my kids decided they needed to free up a port on the router, so they unplugged the ISY. Not sure why they didn't bother to simply connect to the Cisco hub that is right there with 4 empty ports. They probably just went for the first thing they saw, which was the Apple Airport Extreme Basestation ... and sense that worked, well, they were finished. I've barely scratched the surface of what can be done with this unit. I switched to it mostly do to poor experience with the SmartHome software and not wanting to have to run it off a PC. It works so well, I have needed to connect to it for anything in quite a while until last night when I wanted to make a small adjustment in one of my scenes. Kudos on what seems to be a rock solid reliable product; though it's not kid tamper proof!
  2. I recently had to replace my router, so the IP address for my ISY-99 is now different. How do I reset or reconfigure the universal devices admin console? When I go to the http://universtal-devices.com/99i site it launches the console, but immediately looks for the ISY at the old IP address and just gives me errors.
  3. Thanks Michel. I went with Insteon originally due the issue you mentioned. Conceptually the design is excellent. The quality of the end points, both PLM/C and the Lamplincs have been one hardware failure after another for me. Hopefully I've seen the end of it. I've had a bit of a look at the ISY-99 and console capabilities. One I replaced the defective PLM, it came right on and was very easy to connect to through the console. Look forward to getting everything set up.
  4. UPDATE: it is the SmartHome PLM that is defective. I hate to say it, but I'm not surprised. I've had one issue after another with SmartHome developed and manufactured stuff. I've been considering switching from Insteon to something else. Should I?
  5. Defective. A replacement is being cross shipped. I'm paying for the overnight shipment. My Insteon experience has been full of hardware failures. 100% of my initial lamplincs failed within the first 2 years. Fortunately the replacements have had no issues.
  6. Yes, buried beneath the cardboard that holds the PLM in the packaging. Didn't find those until after you suggested there were other cables ... I guess I was hoping against hope that maybe there was a power cable that would work. On the phone with SmartHome now ... most likely a defective device.
  7. Both cables included with the order are blue. I checked the packaging before opening the bags and both are identical. I've tried plugging the ISY in to the PLM and then plugging the PLM in to power. Regardless of the order, no LEDs including PWR light up on the ISY. I also tried just connecting to the ISY thinking it might be powered on and connected fine, but with a faulty LED. Unfortunately it doesn't show up on the network or software.
  8. I just received my ISY-99i and the PLM 2412s. Hopefully I can get some questions answered here as it's the weekend and I can't get tech support. Issue I'm having is that the ISY does not seem to be getting any power; at least it is not powering on as all LEDs are dark including PWR. I followed the instructions: - Plugged the PLM in to power - Connected the ISY-99i network cable to the router - And connected the other cable from the ISY to the PLM I understand that the ISY is supposed to be powered by the PLM. LED is lit on the PLM, but there are no lights on including PWR on the ISY. Do I have a defective unit? Appreciate any help. Note: the manual for the ISY is wrong and really should be changed as it indicates there is a power cable. So frustrating when you run in to an issue and turn to the manual, only to quickly discover it is grossly inaccurate on such a basic item.
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