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About 4481hoods

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Community Answers

  1. Actually, it was not a big problem adding key and value. Once the problem was identified it was a very easy fix. Could the problem be remnants from the previous MQTT installation. I did try two ratgdos, thinking one was bad, installed in two different slots. neither did the trick. Things are working very well. Thank You
  2. Did this: Key: gdodevice Value: <ip address of ratgdo>;<Name of ratgdo modified as per the release notes> All works!!
  3. Could you send the value line. Ty. Got it! Thanks
  4. Getting the following error: "There was an error attempting to connect to the device at ratgdov25i-4b1a56.local. Please check the log files and correct the issue before restarting the plugin." ratgdo_6-15-2024_72340_PM.zip
  5. So the big question. Should you upgrade. If everything is working good. Should you take a chance and mess everything up. What are the benefits.
  6. Here is the log! ratgdo_6-9-2024_73351_AM.zip
  7. When I try to discover it pops up. It will not load the nodes in IOX. MQTT loads just fine and responds and reports the door status
  8. Ratgdo had been working fine. Did a reinstall and now I get this message: " A Discover or device command was attempted with no MQTT connection established. Wait for the plugin to establish a connection to the MQTT broker before attempting Discover or device commands."
  9. Sync option now located under network resources.
  10. Found nothing. Baffling.
  11. Unable to sync ud mobile, no option available.
  12. Seems like the portal is not working properly. Favorites are not responding. Anyone else seeing this?
  13. Well I have tried everything I can think of. ratgdo is the only spoken that behaves this way! What setting should I look for? I have a switch (Zoos) wired to a remote opener and it works perfectly, but I lose the open- close function that Ratgdo has. Any suggestions?
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