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Everything posted by mljenkins

  1. Ok this makes me feel a lot better because I thought others in this thread were saying they were discontinued. I can understand if it is because of the chip shortage. I know what you are talking about with regards to rebuilding. I don't have enough electronics experience to do this safely IMO, I'll just be honest. I saw Smarthome still had the USB modems in stock, so for now I've ordered one of them and will likely hook it directly to my HA instance or try some bridging to my other Pi I use for some basic home automation and weather stuff. I'm also wondering if these hubs act as a bridge between the wired and wireless, if the serial hub is still accepting commands from the ISY and is capable of sending them via wireless, if simply having the USB module plugged in if it would repeat the commands to the line for the other devices further out in the house. Wishful thinking...
  2. My serial PLM no longer seems to be sending commands via wire. I suspect the radio is still working because some of my devices are still able to be controlled, although it seems randomly. I found this thread after trying to figure out why the serial PLM is "sold out" when I went to order a new one. So now I have quite an investment that I cannot use, that has only lasted 6 years. Unfortunately this seems to be a trend in the smart home industry, and a trend that likely keeps many people from investing (probably for the better, I'm rather upset at this point). I'm only upset with Insteon at this point, and wished I would have went with another technology at this point. Unfortunately every switch and fan in my house has an Insteon module on it. The ISY has been awesome over the years of having it, and the support has been great. I also was wondering about using a RPi as a middle man for the USB PLM. I'd almost just as rather use a USB PLM with home assistant except HA cannot configure the advanced scenes like the ISY. So it sounds like Polisy may support the USB PLM in the future, but are we guaranteed the USB PLM is going to exist for more than 5 years? Otherwise I'm dumping yet another $400 into a solution for less than 5 years. Does anyone know for sure how long Insteon plans to support the USB PLM? If we have a solid answer on that, an investment into Polisy or a RPi to convert the signal may be in order. If not, I'm going to have to figure something else out. Thanks.
  3. On an ISY 994i PRO (1100) with Portal Integration, running v4.8.0 (I just upgraded from 4.7.3 earlier today), I upgraded to v5.3.0 just now with no issues other than my login credentials got reset. I had to login with admin/admin. I haven't tried v5 because I thought it was beta, but since this was tagged as official I decided to finally upgrade. I am not sure why the credentials were lost, perhaps this is a known issue. I do not see any issues in the GUI, no scenes or programs that have any weird markers to indicate an issue. So I assume the upgrade went smooth. Is there any sort of log that would indicate if I need to check any of these artifacts? Also, I am running the latest version of Home Assistant on RPi (HassIO, but I think they just call it HA on Pi now?) and the ISY integration worked after the upgrade to v5 and me setting my credentials. I have not restarted HA yet but I assume things should be fine since they are currently. So that's awesome the previous integrations were not impacted. So, am I missing something, or did this really go that easy? If so, my hats off to all those that are involved in the development (and probably all you folks that beta tested it for a long time!). PS: I really expected the GUI was going to change so much it would be hard to reorient myself on this new version. I was extremely relieved when I upgraded and saw everything was the same old familiar interface, just with more options.
  4. Is there a way to toggle the state of other responders when the ISY portal for Google home is used? I can do it with a scene, but Google home cannot dim the scenes (it can only do on/off for scenes). For example, in my dining room I have the chandelier with a remote switch (no load) across the room. If I tell Google home to dim it, the remote switch doesn't show the new status. This is rather annoying, especially when I get into 6-button switches. For another example, I have several lights in the kitchen/living area that I can turn on/off with buttons on a 6-button switch (A,B,C,D). When controlling those lights with Google home, the corresponding 6-way buttons don't toggle. Again, I can do with a scene, but I lose the ability to dim the lights. I thought about using rooms in Google home (which I already use for grouping room lights) but the rooms are slow as Google seems to have to send the commands multiple times to the ISY so when you ask for it to dim a room with multiple lights, there is a very noticeable delay when the lights dim. The easy thing would be if Google home could dim the scenes, but since this can't be done, does anyone have any better solutions? I read one post where someone had used IFTTT, but I don't want to get into other integrations at this point. Thanks for your thoughts. Matt
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