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Everything posted by 21win

  1. I just upgraded 20 old SwitchLincs with new dual-bands. Every time I do an ISY99i Replace Device operation it takes approximately four minutes to complete. Very tedious to do this for each switch one at a time. I recently upgraded my ISY to Pro since I thought that with the "Do Not Automatically Write Changes" the ISY would defer my Replace Device link work until I had set up a bunch of these operations -- then I could leave it to update the links in batch mode. Scene updates seem to work this way (i.e. do a bunch of scene changes quickly, then turn on updating and the links get written in a big batch). Can I do the Replace Devices quickly? Thank You, - Jon
  2. I have installed 5 Venstar 7Day programmable thermostats for control with ISY99 via Insteon. Generally working great. I turned them OFF and then ON via ISY, and now the thermostats display "OF" or "0F" (not sure if it is Oh-F or Zero-F) next to the Heat mode. I cannot seem to get rid of this. Ideas? Thank You, - Jon
  3. I am at the tail end of a big X10/Insteon Lights/Thermostats upgrade, migrating from HomeSeer to ISY99. All going very well right now. FYI I notice a BIG improvement in X10 reliability via the ISY99 vs. my old HomeSeer setup. Thus less pressure to replace lots of my old X10 switches with Insteon, though I have done about 20 already. I have two questions about best practices in programming: 1) I want to turn on and off a group of lights at sunset and late-night. So I put all the lights into a scene "NightLights". Easily wrote programs to turn them all on at Sunset and off at say 11PM. BUT for multi-way switches (that already have their own scene to make the multi-way work), I could not add the multi-way scene to NightLights scene, so I just added one of the multi-way switches. The light goes on and off just fine, but the other switch (say switch 2) in the multi-way does not update on/off. Do I have to add all switches for each multi-way light to NightLights (i.e. sw1, sw2, etc)? Or is there a better way? 2) KeypadLinc: Say I want to use a Keypadlinc button to turn on and off the "NightLights" scene. Should I add the Keypadlinc buttons to the scene? Or use the keypadlinc button as a trigger condition in a program (i.e. IF time is sunset OR keypadlinc button1 turned ON then turn on NightLights)??? I am concerned about being sure that the keypadlnc status is always in-sync with the scene. Thanks for your help. - Jon
  4. Two more questions: 1) Scene links written to switches? So say I do the factory-reset on all Insteon switches, then add them back to ISY99, then create Scenes in the ISY99. Will the Insteon switches now also have the links programmed into them? So that, for example, 2Way switches will work even if the ISY99 for some reason goes down. 2) Internet access, port re-direction I tried the Internet access and it works great, except for the security certificate. My question is what port does it use? Port 80? Does it do some sort of upnp to get my router to direct the port to the ISY99? It works but I am curious how. Also I plan to use a URL to map to this and probably need to understand a bit to do it right. Thanks, - Jon
  5. I have a bunch (est 40) X10 switches 5-10 years old. I also have a bunch of new Insteon switches (approx 20) and soon 5 Insteon thermostats. I am switching from HomeSeer/PLC to ISY99. Goal is thermostat support, faster/more-reliable performance, and eliminate need for Windows PC to run HomeSeer. Mostly I just want some simple lighting control (i.e. Sunset/Night, turn off all basement lights with one switch, etc) plus some simple thermostat control (vacation mode, etc). Questions: 1) You say to factory reset all switches. Does this include the X10's, or just the Insteons? 2) When I add the Insteon's back into ISY99, I bring up the linking box. Then do I walk around the house with a laptop, press all the switches and then do a giant remove links/1? If so, how do I keep track of which switch corresponds to which Insteon ID? If I add them one by one each remove links operation seems to take a long time. 3) If I understand correctly, EVERY 2 way switch setup in my house would have a Scene -- correct? And every single switch would be an Insteon Device? So I would have, for example, "DiningRm Chandelier Sw1", "DiningRm Chandelier Sw2" as devices, and "DiningRm Chandelier" as a Scene? 4) So the only truly manual work to do is: a) writing down/keeping track of the Insteon ID's, and renaming the devices, c) creating scenes for each 2-way switch pair, d) creating the true value-add Scenes (Sunset on, bedtime off, thermo adjust, control from KeyPadLinc's, etc) which seems REALLY easy once 1-c is done. Any comments/answers/help on this would be really appreciated before I start my 70 device clean setup! Thanks, - Jon
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