Hi Guys, first time poster here. I have been using digital input 1 (DI1) on the EZIO8SA as part of my ISY994i system for about a year without any trouble. Now I am adding a second input. Adding DI2,3 and 4 has stumped me, however. I am using dry contacts from motion sensors connected to the digital inputs to turn on lights via Z Wave dimmers - so, the faster the better! For testing purposes, I have connected a binary thumbwheel switch to the 4 inputs and confirmed that I have voltage present at each optocoupler at the appropriate position.
Input 1 works every time.
Input 2 seems to work most times and
Input 3 fails most times.
Input 4 fails most times
If I Query the network manually through the Administrative Console, the "Current State" changes to display all 4 inputs correctly.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, David