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  1. How do I do that?
  2. The issue is that my ISY cannot see the gate. Otherwise, you're right, a variable would work perfectly. I could tell the ISY, "When patio door is open AND gate is open, set variable to 1" then have Alexa listen for that variable to change to 1. The only device that can see both the gate and the patio is Alexa unless someone knows how to pass that info to the ISY from Smartthings or vice versa.
  3. Yeah. This is a weird one perhaps. I've got an Elk M1 system, it's connected to my ISY. The Elk door sensor relevant to this question is the one going to my back patio. I just recently built a weatherproof Z-Wave contact switch for my gate outside (this was way cheaper than getting this setup for the Elk natively). It's connected to my Smartthings hub. Alexa can see both the door (Elk-->ISY Portal-->Exposed to Alexa as contact switch) and the Gate (Smartthings --> Alexa) Backstory is that my landscaper sometimes leaves the gate open and we just let the dog out when we get home. We've almost lost him once because of it. What I want to do is when someone opens that patio door, if that gate is open, I want Alexa to announce that the gate is open. The problem is, Alexa Routines - which would be my go to solution here - don't allow AND statements as triggers. (If Patio Door is Open AND Gate is Open, announce blah). I'm scratching my head over here thinking there must be a way to do this but I'm missing it. Hoping one of you brilliant folks out there have an idea.
  4. I have a "goodnight mode" for the house that I trigger from my bed. When triggered, a few actions take place and a boolean is set to 1. It automatically clears to 0 at sunrise. When it's set to one, I'd like to change the level that my upstairs bathroom light comes on when turned on locally at the switch to a much dimmer level. When I get up in the middle of the night, the full brightness blinds me. Is it possible to programmatically set the level a light comes on at the switch? I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
  5. Just for posterity on this forum, the new switch arrived and I installed it today. I connected the red and black wires and everything began working as I wanted. Thanks for the help everyone!
  6. Yeah. Those of you who predicted it wouldn't solve my problem were correct. I got a whole new problem which was that my relay stayed closed which made my local control of the door not work. I switched it all back and at least I'm at the spot I was at at the beginning of the post. I have ordered the more robust garage door switch with NO and NC wires tonight and I suspect it will solve the problem. I sure appreciate everyone's feedback and suggestions. When it shows up, and I get it installed, I'll post an update here for posterity.
  7. Ok here's what I did: I moved the wire on the ioLinc from NO to NC and then went into the options and unchecked the Trigger reverse as MWareman suggested. I suspect this will solve the 3am problem (I'll check tomorrow). But it caused a new problem for me. Now the button on my switchlinc that I linked to the status of the door are lit up when the door is closed and un-lit when the door is open. I was hoping for the opposite (as it was before I unchecked the "Trigger Reverse" box. Is this an unsolvable conundrum? I'm willing to buy the more robust contact that Brian suggested if that's the best fix. Thanks for all your help, everyone.
  8. I've got an ioLinc on my garage door wired with a magnetic sensor. The sensor is connected to N/O and Com and the relay is connected to GND and S. I followed the tutorial here to set it up. The switchlincs are working fine. Both triggering the door and showing its status. The issue is that at 3am, the system ISY Query program runs and my garage door goes from thinking it's closed to thinking it's open. That's a real problem for me because I have programs that do things like flash lights and send alerts to my phone when that door is open while I'm in bed. So at 3am, lights start flashing, etc. Once I open and close the door, things return to normal again until 3am the next night. I'm assuming it isn't picking up the "reverse trigger" setting at 3am. Any idea why the system query would not honor that setting? Is this a bug or do I have an issue on my end?
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