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Everything posted by elgwhoppo

  1. OK, so I took a stab at this today. Works great! Only thing I changed was leveraging https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-config-ui-x instead of config-ui. Seemed to load for me in a seamless fashion. This is fun stuff!!!
  2. This is outstanding work. I’m in the same boat with about 50 Insteon devices, an ISY994i and just started adopting HomeKit due to the wife adoption vote. : ) Is this build still working for you? Curious to hear what’s changed and working well for you since the original post.
  3. Hey all, really enjoying the programming aspect of the ISY994 that I have. I wanted to submit a couple programs that I wrote that are working, but I'm pretty sure are sub-optimal. Looking for any advice to make this easier at scale when I have multiple scenes: Goal: During evening hours between sunset and 1AM, the 60 minute motion countdown is reset any time there's motion During the night hours if there's motion between 1AM and sunrise, bring the lights up to 25% brightness for 3 minutes then turn off This program turns on the light and sets the original countdown plus the counter variables to the 60 minutes. Downstairs - Evening Motion On - [iD 0007][Parent 0001] If Status 'First Floor / Motion #1 Motion' is On And From Sunset - 30 minutes To 12:59:59AM (next day) Then Set Scene 'All Downstairs' On $Evening_Lamp_Motion_Counter = 60 $Evening_Lamp_Original_Number = 60 Else Run Program 'Downstairs - Evening Motion Off' (If) This program will turn off the downstairs (called by the else statement above) only if the idle countdown counter is <1. Downstairs - Evening Motion Off - [iD 0008][Parent 0001] If $Evening_Lamp_Motion_Counter < 1 Then Set Scene 'All Downstairs' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program is continually looping all day every day. Downstairs- Motion Countdown Loop - [iD 0006][Parent 0001] If $Evening_Lamp_Motion_Counter > 0 And Status 'First Floor / Motion #1 Motion' is Off Then Wait 1 minute $Evening_Lamp_Motion_Counter -= 1 Run Program 'Downstairs- Motion Countdown Loop' (If) Else Run Program 'Downstairs - Evening Motion On' (If) Wait 1 minute $Evening_Lamp_Motion_Counter = $Evening_Lamp_Original_Number Run Program 'Downstairs- Motion Countdown Loop' (If) This program turns the lights on to 25% between 1AM and sunrise, then turns them off. Downstairs - Night Motion - [iD 0004][Parent 0001] If From 1:00:00AM To Sunrise - 30 minutes (same day) And Status 'First Floor / Motion #1 Motion' is On Then Set 'First Floor / Lights / Kitchen Sink Light Bulb' 25% Set 'First Floor / Lights / Living Room Corner' 25% Set 'First Floor / Lights / Play Kitchen' 25% Wait 3 minutes Else Set Scene 'All Downstairs' Off Seems to be working fine for me, but I'm wondering if I can do this with fewer programs? Doesn't seem there's any way to put an If statement in a then or else without calling another program. Thanks all! Joe
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