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  1. Yeah you'd think so, but there are various quirks that various controllers have. There was some discussion in this forum a while back around Z-Wave Certification and me assuming that meant every Z-Wave product should work with every Z-Wave controller (assuming there's no vendor blocking) and how I was admittedly wrong that certain controllers are not officially certified by Z-Wave (Hubitat C-5, C-7 is) and therefore there can be issues. I don't feel like opening the can of worms again here around ISY and their certification and compatibility, but what I will say is we've had to modify our firmware to work with various hubs. Vera and HomeSeer are great examples. Firmware 1.41 Vera: Fixed association purging issue. Vera was not properly processing group #4 group name. Shortened the name to resolve this issue. Homeseer: Fixed not processing BasicReports when sent after turning switch on/off from the wall. Changed to SwitchMultiLevelReport. While our devices are Z-Wave Certified, there still seems to be interoperability issues. We do not make controller specific changes, and I wish Eric M could speak more to this as I'm speaking admittedly without a coding lens, but I am aware of the various issues with various hubs and was made aware last year by the Z-Wave Alliance itself that there are certain hubs that are operating in, "beta" mode so everything may not work with each other as intended. Again, I don't want to open the can of worms as that was not a fun time in my life lol. We do have a changelog listed at the link I posted above for reference. Edit: spelling error above and addition below. @seattlestexan - Eric M has ISY and so I will have him look over this thread and either comment himself or I'll comment for him. @simplextech - forgot to mention. The Hubitat issue is that their C5 was not Z-Wave Certified ergo there were issues with compatibility. Their C7 has some issues with our bulbs. Our bulbs do seem to have a problem with Hubitat specifically (C7) in that the S0 floods the network. However, again, they were Z-Wave Certified so idk if it was a ball-drop on Z-Wave or what. We modified the firmware to make it report less. I think ultimately the issue was that while the bulbs are certified, they could've been modified better to report less to the hub and Z-Wave is/was not in the business of helping with code but rather saying, "yes this meets our standards or no it does not".
  2. Just curious what firmware update you're referencing? I can check with Eric M (CTO) but I don't remember and firmware directed at fixing any ISY compatibility. https://support.inovelli.com/portal/en/kb/articles/firmware-change-log-lzw31-sn-dimmer-switch-red-series @seattlestexan - on the front of your switch (the black metal part), can you see a date code? It should be a four number code. I'll be able to tell what firmware version you have just in case I was wrong about the firmware statement above (I admit I haven't been following the enhancements as closely as I should and @simplextech is always spot on).
  3. And you're able to replicate this with more than one switch? So strange bc the inclusion process shouldn't be affected by the neutral, non-neutral setup unless there isn't enough power to power the Z-Wave chip.
  4. Did the switch manually work?
  5. Weird. So when you had it without a neutral wire, what were you controlling on the load?
  6. Awesome - glad to hear! Curious what changed from when it didn't work, to when it did? It'd be nice to understand so we can help others too.
  7. Preach it... it's exhausting... lol. Thanks We'll do our best -- I can't promise anything. Sorry to be blunt, but there's literally only one person who knows coding on the team and he often gets pulled into working with the larger hubs (ST, Hubitat, HomeSeer, etc) for integration there. Eric M. (there's two of us - I'm Eric H.) did acquire an ISY, but I also don't know which version it is and it sounds like that also matters. I did confirm with the Alliance that the ISY-994i-ZW+ was being sold as a Z-Wave Plus Certified device without the certification (seems it was changed to, "Available on Backorder" as of two days ago), so that could be some of the cause here, but again, we'll try our best to at the very least send samples to whomever we need to make our stuff work. Best case, we can try to figure it out ourselves, I just don't have a timeline on that, especially if it's a major issue. Anyway, I'm sure we'll go back and forth all day -- at the end of the day, I'm happy to work with whomever can help with the integration. Thanks guys!
  8. Thanks! I'm not sure if they work on ISY or not. I'll have Eric M look into this as well and follow up. ETA on them can be found in that thread. I update it as often as I can. Mass production started yesterday - should take a couple weeks and then maybe a week or so to get over to Michigan.
  9. Let's unpack this a bit because I want to make sure I'm understanding correctly so we can figure this out. If devices are Certified via the Z-Wave Alliance and conform to a set of standards, then why is there issues with the most basic form of communication (ie: inclusion/exclusion)? I would imagine if it included some weird way, this would be flagged during Certification, correct? Again, just trying to understand. I do, however, understand maybe why the more complex features won't work (ie: scenes, notifications, etc), but the basic functions should always work (inclusion/exclusion, on/off/dim) as you mention later in your post specific device handlers are required to, "unlock" different aspects of the firmware.
  10. Yes - 3 speed fan control and full dimming. Here's a quick video of it in my daughter's room:
  11. We'll try as well. I'll have Eric M follow up. I'm not sure what the issue could be but yes, I'd love to see a video to see what's happening. Yeah, I'm not sure either. I have a note out to the Z-Wave Alliance to see what's happening. We do have a Fan/Light switch that just started Mass Production here (and I believe you are in the chain lol): https://community.inovelli.com/t/fan-light-switch-project-hurricane-mass-production-starts-05-29-05-30/23 Can you let me know when you say, "both sides are fully compliant"? I just want to make sure I'm understanding correctly as our switches are all fully compliant and Z-Wave Certified. I'm happy to send you some - shoot me a PM and we'll get some out to you. But I also guess I'm a little confused here as well. If our products are Certified, and work well on other platforms (and Zooz's do to), what would be the issue as to why they don't work well on ISY? Genuine question, I'm not a programmer by any means, so I'm more curious then anything.
  12. Hey guys, Wanted to pop in and let you know we've ordered our own ISY to start working on figuring this out. @asbril - I sincerely apologize for any lack of response and that you feel like we just abandoned you. Truth is we're a 4 person team and often times we couldn't diagnose your issues. However, not an excuse and I'm sorry. We did, however do some extensive work with another customer and their setup and discovered that there may be an issue with ISY. You can read more about it here: https://community.inovelli.com/t/isy-and-inovelli/2734/3 Anyway, the point of this post was to let you know first, sorry for dropping the ball on some responses and second, to let you all know we do have our own ISY system now so we can better diagnose the issues.
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