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Difficulty Setting Up Scene with new Dual Band InlineLinc


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Good morning,


I recently purchased a new InlineLinc Switch (2475SDB, v.41) and am trying to program it via our ISY-99i to be controlled by our existing 6-Button KeypadLinc Dimmer (2486D v.39) and cannot get it to respond. The scene appears to be setup correctly but when the 6-Button is pressed (Button B if that matters) the InlineLinc doesn't respond. I can control the InlineLinc via the ISY and manually but not via the 6-button.


Does anyone know if there is a communication issue between these two devices? Do I need to program this manually?


Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Does anyone know if there is a communication issue between these two devices?


That would be my first suspicion. Still, it might be worth confirming that button B is defined as a "controller" in the scene. Is it?


Do I need to program this manually?


No. If you cannot program via ISY, find the source of the problem. This problem will NOT go away by programming manually, and doing so will introduce additional issues.

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Do a Show Device Links Table of both the KeypadLinc and the InLineLinc before doing any corrective action. Post the display. If the Show images will not post Save the display images which will produce XML files. Post the XML files. If the XML files are too big to post I sent you a PM with my email address.

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The InLineLinc is an I2CS device. What ISY firmware level is being used?


The Show Device Links Table results indicate the ISY does not understand this is an I2CS device.


Spa Deck - Step Lights / 1F D1 A9 1


0FF0 : F0 F1 F2.F3.F4 F5 F6 F7



Click Help | About. What is displayed for the Firmware and UI lines?

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