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Help status with relay and kpl during a program activation


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Hey guys I can't seem to get this to work. I have a swamp cooler controlled by a relay. I can get the kpl to control the swampe cooler and show the right status, but I also have a program that will activate or shut off the swamper during certain climate conditions and this is where the kpl light won't activate or deactivate .....any help would be great. Thanks pete

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A Secondary KeypadLinc button cannot be turned On or Off with a Direct Insteon command. A Direct command does not have a placeholder for a button number.


Define an ISY Scene with the Secondary KeypadLinc button as a Responder. Have the Program turn the ISY Scene Off to turn the Secondary KeypadLinc button LED On or Off.


If there is already an ISY Scene with the KeypadLinc button and Relay in the Scene, use that Scene to turn the KeypadLinc button LED and Relay On and Off together.

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The Adjust Scene statement after the Wait 2 seconds is changing a Responder On Level, it does not directly affect the device.


Use the 'Insteon' Action statement that specifies the ISY Scene name 'swamp cooler relay'. Turn the Scene name On and Off. When using the Scene name a separate Direct command to control the Relay is not necessary.


Example: Set Scene 'swamp cooler / swamp cooler relay' On

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I can't be sure, but is your third line of the THEN path turning on the device, or the scene (both have the same name)? You need to turn on the scene, and I thought scene commands had the syntax:


set scene "xxxx" on


Your fifth line in the THEN path is, I expect, NOT doing what you want. This is the statement used when you want to redefine the response levels to a device within a scene, not to turn on a device or scene. If you correct the third line, however, you will not need the fifth.


If I am mistaken here, another possibility is that you have the ON response for the swamp cooler keypad at zero.

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Ok between the two of you I might get this. Lol. The third line is the relay for the swamp cooler to turn on. Are you guys saying I stead of directly turning the device on at the relay, I turn it on in the scene instead? The fifth line was just for the status of the relay and the 2 second delay was just to prevent to much traffic at once

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"Are you guys saying I stead of directly turning the device on at the relay, I turn it on in the scene instead?"


Yes, exactly.


"The fifth line was just for the status of the relay and the 2 second delay was just to prevent to much traffic at once"


Not necessary to delay as both devices (Relay and KPL button) react at the same time to the Set Scene statement.


You can turn the Relay on directly as you are doing now and define an additional ISY Scene that has the KPL button as a Responder and turn the new Scene On/Off to control KPL button LED but it is not necessary since you already have a Scene defined that includes the Relay and the KPL button.

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