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Does Synchrolinc require a Query Command?


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I've been doing some work on a three-way switch that failed, after flipping the circuit breaker a few times many parts of my Insteon based system is acting quirky (I have updated to 4.05RC2). I thought I would post this one new wrinkle and see if anyone had any idea. My SynchroLincs used to automatically update with a state change, but now I find I have to issue a Query Command to get it to display the correct status of the device plugged into it. Is this due to the latest beta software? Any ideas why this has cropped up?


Perhaps another clue is another quirk that's developed. Some of my TriggerLincs (Door Detectors) no longer register their states. Its not a location problem - I can place them next to a TriggerLinc that still works fine, without improvement. I tried "Restore Device" and no errors came up, but it still does not report its status. A stranger quirk is that I have EZX10RF setup to be triggered by an X10 keyfob remote controller, the A1 On/Off continues to work, but my Isy no longer responds to A2, A3, or A4 commands as it once did.


I'd appreciate any thoughts. At this point the only problem that makes sense is that with the power going off and on the PLM's Link Table got corrupted in some way. I considered re-uploading my PLM but the idea of hitting the set button simultaneously on 20 odd RemoteLinc, RemoteLinc2, Motion Detectors, and Door Detectors doesn't strike me as much fun. It's probably my last case resort.


Any words of wisdom?




When a device that should report status updates does not it is either


1 - responder link record in PLM missing

2 - controller link record in device missing

3 - comm issue – powerline or RF

4 – defective device or defective PLM (both are very low on possibility list)


If the ISY did not power off with the circuit breaker cycles it would not know to query devices.


Thanks for the reply.


The Isy was connected to the same breaker as the three way switch, so it and it's PLM repeatedly cycled. That was a week ago, the SynchroLinc not updating its status was something I noticed a few days later and has been unchanging.


Unfortunately I re-edited this post adding additional quirks after you appear to have read the earlier one. Perhaps their description offers more clues?


Since some of the devices that no longer report their status are wireless and some are wired, and moving the wireless modules to an area where other wireless modules are still working fine, would make communications problems an unlikely cause. I would think that doing a "Restore Device" would rewrite the device's link record and correct the situation if the problem was the device's link table. Other than resetting the PLM, is there any way to either check and/or fix the responder link record of the PLM?


I appreciate the help.




Do a Show PLM Links Table followed by Count. Do this 4 times to verify the PLM link count is the same each time. Any Insteon traffic reaching the PLM during the Show will cause the link records displayed to be falsely high or low.


A Restore Device will restore the links in a device. Unless all the devices that are having problems were being power cycled by the one breaker I suspect PLM link table problem over a device link table problem (if it is a link problem). Any time there are multiple power cycles I worry about the final state of Insteon devices particularly if the power was Off for a short period of time. It takes several seconds for the power supply to bleed off when power goes Off. Repeated cycling can catch a device with marginal power which affects how the device operates when power is restored. If an Access Point was involved with the power cycles I would do the 4 tap Set button test to insure the Access Points are functional.


The PLM link table can be restored with a File | Restore Modem (PLM).


Why was the breaker being cycled?


I was trying to replace a pair of very old three way X10 switches that had broken, with new Insteon paired switch modules. Unfortunately nothing is labeled and a handyman pulled out the old switches before I could at least get a picture to help me identify the wiring. I was left with one switchbox having three wires and the other one having 4 wires. I tried a number of combinations of connections, which required powering up the breaker, checking the switches, cycling the breaker off and trying again. It was a frustrating and annoying way to spend an afternoon and lead to a burned out oven bulb and a malfunctioning Ethernet switch, in addition to a very flaky Insteon set up!


I did the "Show PLM Links" and was able get three counts of 182. Unfortunately I have triggerlincs and motion detectors all around and family members who can't be prevented from triggering them as they wander to and fro, so further attempts produced larger counts.


The last time I looked at Restore PLM it threw up a window advising me to put all my wireless modules into Program Mode. Since I have more than 20 such modules this is going to be like keeping a row of dishes spinning on poles. I was hoping for easier fixes before going down that road...


Thanks for the help.




Is that the File|Automatic Writes to Battery Powered Devices menu choice, or is it offered as a choice somewhere else when "Restoring PLM"?




DO NOT put the collection of RF devices into linking mode. Putting more than one device into linking mode cancels each other out. Do the Restore Modem (PLM) without putting any RF devices into linking mode. When the Restore Modem is complete, if there are RF devices that have a Red ! or Green pending Icon, put one device at a time into linking mode, selecting Write Updates to Device. When that device is complete do the next one with pending updates.


Putting an RF device into linking mode is just that, it is in linking mode. If a second RF device is put into linking mode at the same time the devices are linked together. That is how a Set button link is done. Not what you are looking for.


Thanks for the info I will follow your suggestion.


Since all of the RF only devices I have are controllers, not responders can you actually link a controller device to another controller device??




Well, thanks for the help. You motivated me to go straight to the "Restore PLM" file selection. It took a few minutes and everything is back! I didn't even need to restore any of the RF devices, they don't show any Red ! or Green Pending Signs. Everything is behaving as it should. If I only had a time machine I could of had everything back the first day...


So it was a corrupt PLM Link List.




"can you actually link a controller device to another controller device??"


Yes. The device firmware does not have a list of all device types (cat/subcat) values to know which might be a Controller and which might be a Responder. Also the Controller does not know which Group/Node is being linked to so a device such as an I/O Linc could be a Controller or Responder. Regardless, devices do not have a list of all devices types to know what it is being linked to.

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