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scene issue with 1 device

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I have a 2476D switchLinc Dimmmer v.37 that works locally, as a device or a program that changes the device itself..


if I add it to a scene it does not work within the scene...

I have other same model switchLincs and they seem to work fine..


attached is a Diagnotic scene test Log

its the "lights above fireplace" (12.64.60) device, operates a rope light and a small halgen spotlight


isy 994i/ir pro v3.3.10, issue has not changed over the last few updates


I have not tried replacing the switch yet

please let me know what the most probable cause could be

I am assuming user error on my part.



ISY-Events-Log.v3.3.10__Sun 2013.07.07 02.13.13 PM.txt

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I suggest defining a test scene that contains only that 1 device as a Responder. Turn the test Scene On and Off. Does the SwitchLinc respond to the test scene when it is the only device in the Scene?

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I created a test scene with just that one device and it still does not work.. the isy status shows on or off accordingly but it actually doesn't turn the lights on or off..


controlling the device itelf still works

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Thanks for the test. That eliminates the possibility of interfernce from other devices in the Scene and focuses on powerline communication with that device. There are retries built into Direct command that are not present in a Scene On/Off.


I would run the 4 tap Set button test to insure there is good RF coupling of the phases and then look at what else on is that circuit. The Event Viewer can be run at LEVEL 3 and Direct On/Off commands traced. That will show the general health of powerline communication with that device. The Hops Left=x count will provide some useful information. Hops Left=2 is the best possible communication, Hops Left=0 the worst. Do not confuse the Hops Left=0 from the Scene Test as indicating a problem. The device response starts with a Max Hops=1 so a Hops Left=0 is good. Direct commands start with Max Hops=3 to a very low Hops Left=x count usually indicates weak singnal strength at the device..

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The User Guide for the devices that are being used to couple the phases describes the process. If using Access Points the Set button is tapped 4 times. This causes that Access Point to start sending an RF test signal for approx 4 minutes . Look at the other Access Point LED to determine if the RF test signal is being received and if the second Access Point is on the opposite phase. The Access Point User Guide describes the reaction of the LED on the second Access Point regarding blinking and color. Usually with an Access Point the second LED should be blinking Green. If not blinking (not in RF range) or blinking Red (on same phase) the phases are not coupled..

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