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How to determine Water Applied per Irrigation Cycle


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I'm trying to figure out how I determine the Water Applied per Irrigation Cycle in the Irrigation module. I would have expected this would have been a volume measurement and not length. Could someone please explain this?



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I understand what is asking for, I'm just having trouble figuring out a method to determine the amount. Is it inches of water in a tuna can, an ice cream pail, or the whole area being watered. If it was volume, it would be easier to determine, but inches of water is relative to the area being watered. Hopefully this makes sense and I'm not have a moment :?

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Volume does not help in determining how much water is being applied to a given area. Applying 50 gallons to a 10'x10' has a very different result than applying 50 gallons to a 100'x100'. Flow is very important in determining the requirement of a given Zone does not exceed the water supply capacity but not how much an area of grass is receiving in terms of inches per hour.


Tuna can, water bucket (not so good because sides are generally tapered), something with vertical walls, it does not matter. If the container/collector covers 2 sq inches or 10 sq inches does not matter. It is the inches of water applied to whatever space the collector represents. I think the larger the area covered by the collector the better. I don't remember exactly what I used 10 years ago when I installed my irrigation system but it was much larger than a tuna can. Finding something large with vertical walls was the challenge.


It was also useful to do that measurement in different areas within the same Zone. It verifies that head to head coverage is producing the needed results.

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