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New ISY994i communication issues

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I have been using Homeseer with a 2413U powerlinc. I have used it for 7 years and have NEVER missed a single event. The lights come on at night, go off in the morning, etc. In an effort to switch from a Homeseer/Mainlobby hybrid to totally Mainlobby, I bought the ISY994i and set it up. Since then, every other day, some lights don't come on and some don't go off. It's not the same ones every time, so it's not like a circuit issue. I have a motion sensor in my office that turns on the light and repeats every minute to see if there is still motion. It can repeat several times with no issue, then get "Can't communicate with OFFICE LIGHT". Very random. It may work for 10 minutes, then fail 3 times in a row.


Unfortunately, I am beginning the process of trying to track down the issue. First of all, I have V1.0 access points, so I ordered new ones and will set those up to bridge my phases first. My first question is... Once I set up the first 2 access points, do I need to actually link the additional access points, or do you just plug them in and go?

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Access Points are just plugged in. They have no links, no configuration. They are not added to the ISY.


Be sure to run the 4 tap Set button test to insure they are in RF range of each other and are on opposite phases.

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I removed all access points and added the 2 new ones to bridge the phases. It seems to be a little better, but I still have the occasional light not coming on, outside lights still on in the AM, etc. Is anyone aware of any issues with the 2413S or ISY being less robust or problematic than the 2413U? Since it keeps missing signals and lights, it also throws off my Mainlobby interface. I have to constantly poll the whole system just to find out what is REALLY on or off...

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Is there a way to log or notify myself when a device fails to communicate? I think I am in a similar situation as the OP (but not as bad), but "every so often" a device isn't in the state that it should be. If I could log or get notified when something didn't respond as it should, maybe I could see the pattern (time of day, something else being on/off, always the same scene or device, etc). I think this request was voiced long ago, but I don't know if a solution was ever implemented. Maybe it is right under my nose, but I don't know what to look for.

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It depends on what the device did not respond to. Switch A controlling Switch B, the ISY does not know that Switch B did not respond to Switch A. Switch A controlled from an ISY Scene using an ISY Program, the ISY does not know that Switch A did not respond to the Scene. An ISY Program using a Direct command to control Switch A, the ISY knows the device did not respond. If it is a device failure in that it ACKed the command but did not react to it, the ISY would not know.


    Status  'SwitchLinc Relay' is not Responding

  do something

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Sorry, I should have been more clear. I am dealing with the issue you described as

An ISY Program using a Direct command to control Switch A, the ISY knows the device did not respond.

except it is sometimes a plug-in module instead of a switch.


Is there a way to make your code universal for all devices? Or must I create a program for each device?


How long does the "not responding" status last? Is it safe to put some retry logic in there? Or does that risk an Insteon storm & an infinite loop if the device truly went offline/dead?

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Hi Wayne,



except it is sometimes a plug-in module instead of a switch.

Makes no difference.


Is there a way to make your code universal for all devices? Or must I create a program for each device?



How long does the "not responding" status last?

Once till the next time it's no longer in error or if you try to communicate with it again.


With kind regards,


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