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Elk trigger for ISY question


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O'm using the Elk module and really like the integration with ISY, but have noticed something about how zone violation appears to trigger, and want to confirm / get opinions and then possibly suggest a change or addition. Here's the situation:


My Elk has a W800 RF that receives X10 RF through the serial port. I placed an X10 motion sensor in a hallway leading to the front door and when motion is detected it turns on an output for two minutes (managed to hide it below a shelf for acceptable WAF, but that's another story - and it works well). This effectively works as a flag to determine whether we are entering the house or leaving (output on = motion, so leaving, output off = no motion, so entering).


In the ISY, I have two nightime only programs related to this that control lighting: When front door zone on Elk is violated AND that output is on (i.e., recent motion detected in hall)' THEN turn on front porch light (because we're exiting). The other program also uses Front Door Zone is violated, but works only when the output is off, turning on the hall lights (because we're entering).


Here's the problem: I had the front door open for a few minutes last night (storm door with screen there) to listen for my dogs to come back to that door as I worked in an adjacent room. But I noticed that whenever the output turned off due to no motion, the hall lights would turn on, on their own. And I think the front porch lights came on when motion was detected, but I'm not certain.


SO... my theory is that ISY needs to know when the front door zone BECOMES violated, rather than IS violated (i.e., a change in state rather than an existing state) because otherwise the change in outputalso triggers a program when that door is left open (i.e., zone remains in "is violated" state).


My questions are: 1) Does this make sense to others here and 2) If I'm right about this, can we get an update to the variables for programs, to add this CHANGE in state (in addition to the existing state) as a trigger option? Thanks in advance for thoughts and input.

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Hello madcodger,


I do not have the Elk system but my alarm is tied in with the ISY thru REST. I had similar problems with doors or windows that we will leave open occasionally which would retrigger light timers and such because they were open. As a work around you might consider (if you haven't already) implementing a simple program which will monitor the door in question, when it is open the program will wait xx seconds then turn the program false. Then use this program status instead of the actual zone status in programs where leaving the door open is causing problems.


Program: Alarm Z01 Front Dr Sw

        FrontDoor is Violated

       Wait  5 seconds
       Run Program 'Alarm Z01 Front Dr Sw' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Thank you, TJF1960. I appreciate your idea.


I think that or a similar solution should fit my immediate needs. I do hope UDI considers the need for a change in state variable with Elk, though, as much differs between what might trigger at the moment of change rather than an ongoing condition.

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