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Struggling with "Unsupported Device" and KPL 2487S


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I installed this KPL today. Seemed to work fine. Several hours later it is no longer recognized as a 2487S and is indicating "Unsupported Device 2.44".


Really frustrated.

Have cleared Java cache.

Am running v4.0.5 on ISY 994.

Have restored

Have queried

Have removed KPL and reinstalled.

Have deleted and re-added


It still works and runs my programs but I can't seem to access Toggle Model (only reason I even noticed that it was showing Unsupported Device is because I was trying to change toggle mode and couldn't find it. FYI, I DID change the toggle mode earlier today, so I know it was there earlier.


Help will be greatly appreciated.



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One more thing... when doing the factory reset it always come back on with with the "B" button lit... this is the ONLY button that I had used in a scene (there is a load on the switch too).


Pushing the B button turns the load on. HOlding it turns the load off. Again, this is the "B" button and not the load button. Pushing the load (big puttons at top and bottom) also control the load.


This is AFTER a reset and there are No scenes or anything defined using the KPL. The KPL isn't even "added" at this time.



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If it was fine when first installed and is now acting strange. Even after a factory reset. It may have failed or has a firmware issue.

You may want to call Insteon Gold Line Customer Support and see if they have any added tests you can do.


There is a message thread on the Smarthome Forums. About a KPL and Toggle Mode problems.


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