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trouble w/ Switchlinc dimmmer & isy99i


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Installed my first Switchlinc Dimmer, and linked it. I can turn the lights on and off but I want to ramp it to a set level. I tried adding the dimmer to a scene. When I test the scene it fails. I have tried with the switch as a responder and as a controller. If I select the switch from in the scene I can control it, but if I click on the scene itself and hit on/off I get nothing. I tried adding "adjust scene" to a program and set to 50% on, then ran the "if" statement but no go.


Any help on how to get a program to ramp up to say 50% would be great.



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Any help on how to get a program to ramp up to say 50% would be great.


If all you want to do (at least, to start) is control a single switch with a program, you need no scene for this. Let's start fresh, I suggest, and get rid of the scenes for now.


Try a simple program

time is sunset
set "switch"  50%


Of course, you can set the IF condition to whatever you wish (you did not state any particular condition for your program). Can you get this program to work?


Start there and clarify what you wish to do next, if anything.

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I have tried that but it will not ramp even if I adjust the ramp rate


so the problem is that the device does not respond to the ramp settings?


Just to confirm...when you select the device, itself, from the ISY device tree, you see an ON level and a RAMP RATE other than zero? What is the ramp rate?


Make sure you are not using scenes at this point, or selecting the device where it is listed as part of a scene. Ramp rates and ON levels for a given device can be different when controlled locally, by the ISY, as part of a scene, and/or responding to a controlling device. This is part of the flexibility of insteon, but can lead to confusing results if not understood.


Obviously, as LeeG asks, if you are experiencing marginal results when you run the scene test as part of diagnostics, you may have other things going on.

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I did both, I double clicked on the scene then ran ,diagnose, scene test, it failed in the reporting window. I also tried in a program using "scene adjust, then running the if command. I have also tried deleting the switchlinc and re-linking it. Also deleting the scene so I could both drag the switch into the scene as well as double clicking on the scene and using the "add to scene option". All of my other programs are working but they are all x-10 devices. I only have two insteon devices, a 220volt heater control (works fine) and this new switchlinc dimmer.



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Clicking on the device in the tree the ramp is set to 59% , it says "set locally"


I have tried just using the insteon on comand in the program thinking the ramp would work.. The program seems to ignore that ramp setting. If I set the insteon command to "fade up" it will but it goes to 100% and it seems no matter where I change to on % it ramps to 100 using that fade up command.

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It sounds as if you are doing things correctly. Given the scene test results, you may be experiencing comm problems. Do you see any red exclamation points or green icons in the device listing.


if you post the program, perhaps also it could be something we could see.

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"Clicking on the device in the tree the ramp is set to 59% , it says "set locally""


The "applied locally" applies to when the paddle on the SwitchLinc is operated locally. It has nothing to do with how the SwitchLinc responds to a Scene.


Single click the Scene name, the SwitchLinc should be displayed on the right side. Setting the Responder Ramp Rate slider is what needs to be set.


The fact that the Scene Test fails indicates a problem. That has to be solved. Run the Scene Test and post the Event Viewer trace. That is the popup that shows 'failed'.


Also click Help | About. What is displayed for Firmware? What is displayed for UI?


Do you have a pair of Access Points coupling the two 120v legs. The 220 volt controller is RF so your two 120v legs may not be coupled since this is an X10 install.

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No marks next to device listing. I just tried upgrading software to 3.3.10 so I am current. I have one access point and one booster linc which says it also acts as an access point. I never have failed commands, the system has been rock solid.



Sat 10/26/2013 08:36:20 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 11 13 00 06


Sat 10/26/2013 08:36:20 PM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06


Sat 10/26/2013 08:36:20 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.6E.E8 25.14.C8 E1 13 FF LTOFFRR(FF)


----- FirePlace Test Results -----

[Failed] 24.6E.E8.1 (24 6E E8 1)

----- FirePlace Test Results -----

Sat 10/26/2013 08:36:28 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 00 00 11 CF 13 00


Sat 10/26/2013 08:36:28 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.11 CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

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The Scene communication with 24.6E.E8 failed with a NAK.


What type of load is connected to the SwitchLinc?


Can you clarify what is meant by never have failed commands. Are these X10 commands that never fail. An X10 boosterlinc can cause Insteon comm problems.


Need to know what Help | About displays for Firmware and UI particularly with a new upgrade. The Java cache has to be cleared and the URL for invoking the Admin Console adjusted.

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Load is 2 halogen and 1 incandescent on a track light .

yes all x-10 has been very good, however the insteon 220v heater control always turns heater on the morning and never misses..


Firm UD99 v3.3.10 (2013-01-17-01:38:06)


UI UD99 v 3.2.6 (2012-05-04-00:26:24)

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After getting Help | About to show 3.3.10 for both Firmware and UI, Delete the SwitchLinc and add it back to the ISY. Assuming the SwitchLinc Dimmer is new it is an I2CS device which 3.2.6 would not handle correctly. Once added to the ISY using 3.3.10 add the SwitchLinc to the Scene and run a Scene Test. I believe the NAK from the SwitchLinc during the Scene Test is the result of the I2CS requirements not being established by 3.2.6.

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