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don't have ELK has an option in admin console programs


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I have setup my ISY 994i/IR Pro (1110) v.4.0.5 and M1XEP as documented in is forum.


It has been working for months with arming and disarming the ELK alarm. I also have the ELK alarm turning lights on and off.


I'm just trying to do some programing in the ISY admin console. I don't have the "ELK" option in condition and actions.


I think I missed a setup step, but I don't see which one.


Please help





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Did you buy the Elk module?


I assume I did, other ELK functions are working like arming and disarming for example. I have the "pro" version and it was purchased it as a package with the Elk alarm. How do I verify the status of the Elk module?


I kind of bet SH did not include that module since it is not a physical thing, it is an activated feature that is done after you take ownership. Simple arming and disarming and the ability to export your lighting config to Elk is part of the basic ISY function. The Elk module for ISY gives you access to damn near everything the Elk has in it.

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