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KPL stopped responding


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I have an 8 button KPL that I am having issues with. It has been working for the past month but recently, it got "locked up" for lack of a better word. The light on the A button stayed on and stopped responding. The lights were flickering, not flashing, flickering. By controlling the lights off with my Ekeypad, I was able to unlock the lights and the kpl started working again. Then last night the lights were flickering again and none of the buttons were working. (I have a Lamplink on button B that also would not work.) this time the lights on the KPL buttons are also off and while I can control both my lamp on the load of the KPL and the Lamp, the KPL continues to be non-responsive. I tried to reset the link, but the linking button is also not responding. If I turn the lights on, then press the A button on the KPL, the lights flicker.


Has this KPL gone bad, or is something else going on here?

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I had a similar problem. First try doing a factory default reset on the KPL as that usually will correct the problem. If that doesn't fix it then you most likely have a bad KPL. I think you'll need to disable the KPL in the ISY before the reset, then after the reset do a restore device.

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