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Stream of X10 Status requests

Guest mvanmeter

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Guest mvanmeter

Installed new 944i. I am getting a steady stream of [X10] J/Status Request (10) on the event viewer. I do not have any X10 devices. However I do have 2 Lutron occupancy switches in my house. Any correlation? Can I block these requests?

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I am unaware of any ability to "block" signals with the ISY-994. I am not even sure I know what that means. One does not have to respond to them, however.


Regardless of whether one can block, or filter, or ignore them, they will still be present and could complicate communication with other devices. If you can find the source, I would.


I don't know about any relationship with lutron devices. How hard is it to shut off the circuit breaker that powers these devices to see if the signals go away?

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Guest mvanmeter

Update: I moved the PLM away from the Lutron switch to another wall outlet. Problem went away. Are there any hardware filters you are aware of that the PLM can be plugged into?

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What set up do you have? I have a 994ir pro running 4.1.2 with the zwave and elk add ons. I was looking through my status logs, and I also have no x10 devices but am suddenly getting a stream of x10 /j status requests every second or so. I haven't added any new devices recently so I'm wondering if something else is going on.

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Guest mvanmeter

I have a 994i with a motion detector and wall switch as a test bed for now. I mentioned in my earlier post that I have a Lutron occupancy switch in the room where the 994i was located. I also had another issue later that blocked the communications between that PLM and motion detector. Looked like a bad PLM. Moved 994i and PLM to another room and all of the problems disappeared. Still running without any issues. Michel asked if I had any baby monitors or anything had changed. I have one Foscam in another area. Doubt it was an issue.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the info. I recently changed my PLM because I was having that random all on event and then noticed the string of j10/x10 status requests which I didn't have before. I wonder if my other PLM was just not picking it up for some reason. I ended up going through the area and unplugging and plugging back in various things to see if anything was causing the problem and ultimately to fix it I routed all the electronics in my media closet to one battery back up ups and then set that up on a filterlinc. That seemed to work.

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