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notifications possible on device status change?


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Hi all,


I have an occasional problem where all the devices in my network are triggered on, apparently by an Insteon motion detector (link to this problem here). Although I did narrow it down to a motion detector-triggered event, the problem was never solved.


Most of the devices that get triggered during this anomalous event are just lights and are of little consequence, but one of the devices that gets triggered is a Insteon relay that I use to open/close the garage door which is a bit more of an issue for me.


To mitigate the unsolvable problem, I would like to receive a notification if the garage door relay is triggered. Unfortunately, the rouge commands that triggers all my devices on (and consequently opens the door) isn't the result of a program and I'm not sure how to do this or if it is possible.


TLDR; I have notifications setup for program-triggered events, but I'd like to have a status change of a device send a notification if possible.


Thanks for any input.



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Not possible with the All On symptom.   The All On command is believed to come from the PLM (uncommanded) so there is nothing to trigger a Program.   SmartLabs just provided one PLM with beta changes that has gone to a customer that is seeing many All On events.  


A Program can query the I/O Linc Sensor at some interval that will not interfere with the installation and issue a notification (requires a second Program) if the door is found open when not expected.

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Thanks for the info, hoping to get some more details.


Beta test: is the beta a new piece of hardware, or just firmware (I assume hardware). If so, any suggestions on how to get my hands on it?


Program to query i/o sensor: any idea what interval would work? And perhaps some sample code?


Any help is appreciated as I just saw on the camera that my damn garage door is up unexpectedly.

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Are all the devices in the residence On (required for it to be All On issue) as well as the garage door being open?  If all the devices are not On then analysis has to move to something else.


You can contact Smarthome and request participation in the beta PLM test.   I have my doubts they will do that but that is the only option.



The Query Program example to query every 30 minutes


        Time is 12:01:00AM
        Repeat 47 times
           Set 'IO Linc-Sensor' Query
           Wait  30 minutes 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
The notification Program example to issue Notify if door open more than 10 minutes.
        Status  'IO Linc-Sensor' is On
        Wait 10 minutes
        Send Notification to 'xxxxx'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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You could use a garage door sensor, the secolarm three wire works well, hooked to the sensor on your existing io linc to notify you that the door is open. This of course will give you notification every time. Using lees 10 minute delay would help. If you are opening the garage with a switch or kpl button then you may be able to write a program to only send you notification if the door opens but the controller is not on.


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Thank you for the suggestion. Philosophically, it is a little hard for me to justify buying another piece to supplement a piece (presumably the PLM) that isn't working correctly, but from a tech standpoint the idea is a good one. I'm going to bark up the Insteon tree and see what they say. I'll report back as appropriate.


Great forum, thanks again all.

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