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Fast On and Fast Off work, but On and Off don't work


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I have one device that is not working correctly. It works when I use Fast On and Fast Off. The UI reports that On and Off work, but the light does not come on, and a Query changes the status to its actual state.


I have another device just like it, and it works.


I just bought and setup my ISY994i. I was using a PowerLinc USB with Homelinc before. All the devices worked. I started up the ISY, added the devices, and now that one device does not work.


Please, can anyone offer some help? I did read one post that suggested changing the local on level and ramp rate. I tried that, but the problem remains.





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When using a KPL button it would be the InLineLinc Responder On Level and Responder Ramp Rate (not the Local values) that control the how quickly the InLineLinc turns On.  Click on the red KPL button node name below the Scene name and check the Responder values.

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