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Communication Question


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My devices are in the basement, 5 switchlincs, 2 linelincs, and 1 kpl all controlled by and ISY/99 pro. My wife has a treadmill on our third floor. The treadmill is on even when it is not in use. My question is, why do I have communication problems when she is using it?


I have tested several times and when I query "My Lighting" while she is using it, I get communication errors on some (not all) of my devices. When she is not using it, I get no errors.


Again, it is always on even when not in use.



Thanks in advance for your help.

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Sounds like interference from the operation of the motor. Perhaps plugging the treadmill into a Switchlinc Filter would be worth a shot.



My devices are in the basement, 5 switchlincs, 2 linelincs, and 1 kpl all controlled by and ISY/99 pro. My wife has a treadmill on our third floor. The treadmill is on even when it is not in use. My question is, why do I have communication problems when she is using it?


I have tested several times and when I query "My Lighting" while she is using it, I get communication errors on some (not all) of my devices. When she is not using it, I get no errors.


Again, it is always on even when not in use.



Thanks in advance for your help.

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Does sound like noise from the motor or the speed control for the motor when on. As brobin pointed out.


A filter may help just make sure it is rated for the treadmills power needs.

I believe there is a 10 Amp version of the filter and ACT use to make a 15 Amp one for X10 and Insteons line signals are fairly close to the X10 ones. So it also may work.


Do you have any Access Points to couple the phases?

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My experience is that treadmills definitely create line noise. While I haven't noticed a problem with our current Insteon installation, in our prior X10 installation (prior house), lights used to come on and go off somewhat at random when we used the treadmill. It was mildly humorous, but very annoying.

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