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ISY no longer communicates with insteon?


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So I think my isy994 is broken.  From the admin panel I can log into the isy but none of my instead devices are communicating with the isy.  Any time I try to enable/disable isy tells me communications fail.  If I delete a device and try to add it, none of the devices show up in the add/update table.  I thought that my devices might have all died but I connected to the insteon hub and it can control all the devices without any problems.


Any ideas on how to trouble shoot? I did a power cycle on the isy as well ... I'm out of ideas and I don't know how long the warranty is?


How old is your PLM?

They have a reputation of failing. Usually  a few months after the warranty expires.


In the Tools Tab.


Show PLM Link Table. What does it show? If it is almost empty. You can try a restore ISY on it and see if things get better.

You can also see what the PLM Info/Status choice shows.


I checked the links on the plm and it has 36 devices, quite a few which are double and triple entries.  status gives me the address, revision and connected.  I couldn't add a motion sensor to the isy but it work on the insteon hub. =(


I got it to work by unplugging and replugging the PLM ... should have thought of that sooner,  but thanks for your suggestions I'll add them to my trial and error process next time something goes wrong!

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