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Issue with a Scene randomly turning on.


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I have a Togglelinc 2466DW in a scene with two lamp modules.  Note the Togglelinc load is not connected to anything it just controls the lamp modules in the scene.  The scene works well, except very often I will find everything is on.  I do not have any programs configured to control any of the devices, this room is just so I can turn two lights on and off via the light switch.


I have factory reset the Toggleinc a couple of times and no help.  Any ideas on how to debug this?  Is it possible the togglelinc is just bad?




Could be a defective device.   When the Lamplincs turn On is the ToggleLinc marked On in the Admin Console?  Insteon devices have been known to have X10 addresses assigned.   Suggest factory resetting the LampLincs and then a Restore Device.

If driven from the ToggleLinc it should be marked On if it turned the Scene On.


Thanks I will confirm if the ToggleLinc is marked on.  Need to tell the wife to stop turning it off first ;).  I suspect that the ToggleLinc is getting marked on since the lamplinc devices are just responders in the scene and not controllers and both are turned on when this happens.  Never have just one lamplinc on.


I have not done a factory resest of the lamplincs yet, I shall do that.


If the ToggleLinc status is On then I would look at how well the toggle itself physically moves, could it spring back to near On after pushing the toggle down.  Also check the wire connections for something lose.     


Have you used the ToggleLinc or either LampLinc in another room or application in the past?  If so, one of them might still be controlled by another switch or remote in the house.  I had this problem once and it suddenly dawned on me that the scene "randomly" triggered whenever I used the switch in a bedroom where the LampLinc used to live.  Silly me.


If you suspect this might be the case, you could delete each device from the ISY's admin console (go to the Main tab, move the device to the root folder, right click on it, and select Delete), add each one back in via the New Insteon Device button (being sure the "Remove existing links" option is selected), and reprogram the scene.




So I used my isy994 to check the links in the togglelinc and the two lamplinc modules.  The togglelinc links matched what was in the isy tables, the lamplinc modules both had the same extra entry.  I removed the extra entry and will see what happens.


Well that was not the issue. Going to try and determine the faulty device now and try and return it.  I suspect it is the togglelinc but need to determine this by putting it on its own and seeing if it switches on.


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